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سيف مبخوت حمود قايد Saif MABKHOT HAMOOD QAID

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس بقسم الفيزياء والفلك

كلية العلوم
College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A23



جدول الإمتحات الفصلية للفصل الدراسي الثاني 1442هـ موعد الاختبار الفصلي لطلاب مقرر 104 فيز سيكون…

introduction/brief CV

أهلا وسهلاً بكم في الموقع الشخصي للدكتور / سيف مبخوت حمود قايد

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Electromagnetism‐1​ 4th level Credit Hours : 3(3+0+0) Course description​ Electrostatics, Gauss Law and its application,Capacitors, the magnetic field of conductors…


PHYS 103 Classical Mechanics 1 Lecture Notes 


Thermal and Statistical Physics (PHYS 342) Course Description: Equipartition of energy: equipartition theorem, Brownian motion. The partition function: Its expression, the…

office hours

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
from _ 01:00 PM _ 01:00 AM _ 01:00 PM _
to _ 02:00 PM _ 02:00 PM _ 02:00 PM _
location _ College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 _ College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 _ College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 _