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سيف مبخوت حمود قايد Saif MABKHOT HAMOOD QAID

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس بقسم الفيزياء والفلك

كلية العلوم
College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A23


Apr 2024

مطلوب تسليم الواجب يدويا بتاريخ 9 مايو 2024م

introduction/brief CV

أهلا وسهلاً بكم في الموقع الشخصي للدكتور / سيف مبخوت حمود قايد

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Courses Description     PHYS 533  Advanced Laser Physics            3(3+0)  Propagation of optical beams in…


PHYS396 PHYS 396 Modern physic lab     2(0+0+4) Michelson interferometer, Fabry-Perot interferometer, Laser Diffraction in Ultrasonic phase grating. Electro-optic…


Course Description: This course builds up on 221 PHYS to establish the theoretical grounds of electromagnetism. The course covers the concept of vector: gradient, divergence…

office hours

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
from _ 01:00 PM _ 01:00 AM _ 01:00 PM _
to _ 02:00 PM _ 02:00 PM _ 02:00 PM _
location _ College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 _ College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 _ College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 College of Science, Physics and Astronomy Dept. Office 2A27 _