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Shahid Parvez

Assistant Professor


كلية الهندسة
Building 3, 2nd Floor, 2C25

Mechanics of Materials (ME352)

The course is broadly designed to provide the student with an opportunity to build upon the knowledge and grasp the opportunity for understanding the fundamental principles, an intuitive sense of Engineering Mechanics. Throughout the semester, students are required to submit homework assignments problems which mainly encompasses to calculate and define the concepts of stress and strain, calculate and describe external loadings, including axial load, shear force, bending and torsional moments, and the resulting deformations and internal stresses associated with these external loadings; calculate and describe the internal stresses and deformations that result in combined loading conditions; calculate internal stresses and strains through the application of stress transformation equations and Mohr’s circle. Design components to meet desired needs in terms of strength and deflection. The key concepts, assignments are mainly attributed, for seeking fluency in identifying the concepts and recognizing their engineering importance. During this course, special emphasis is placed on real-life examples in which the above-mentioned concepts are relevant SO1, SO2.

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