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د. ساره بنت ابراهيم بخاري

Assistant Professor

علم الأحياء الدقيقة الصيدلانية

كلية الصيدلة
مبنى(8), الدور الثاني مكتب رقم (13)

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology PHG 424

Summary of the main learning outcomes for students enrolled in the course.
• Make the student aware with the different biotechnological procedures through
which the scientists and researchers are able to produce or improve the
biologically active compounds. Not only in the field of pharmacognosy and
pharmaceutics, but in the different field of science as well.
• Many valuable procedures will be discussed in this course including microbial
biotransformation, fermentation, and plant tissue culturing.
• Other molecular-biological procedures such as DNA recombination, gene
delivery and therapy, stem cell and immune system based procedures.

course attachements