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محاضرة، كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية، قسم علوم المختبرات الأكلينيكية

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
Building 11, 3rd floor, officie no. 117

CLS 442

The students will be introduced to and learn the working system of routine haematology laboratory and the Blood Bank. The need is for the students to follow the routine laboratory work starting from specimen collection right through to sending results to the clinicians. Some attention will be given to interpretation of results and identification and quick reporting of grossly abnormal life threatening results to the clinicians
In the blood bank, the students will be encouraged in participating in the production of blood products ( packed cells, platelets concentrates, fresh frozen plama etc . ) and in the production of cryoprecipitate

course attachements