Queuing Theories and Simulation (CEN 501)Fall 2011 -Term 111
Course Description:
Probability theory: random variables, transformation of random variables. Markov chains: stochastic processes, Poisson and Exponential processes, birth-death Markov chains. Queuing theory: Little’s theorem, M/M/1, M/M/1/K, M/M/C/C, M/G/1. Network of queues: Burke theorem, Jackson theorem. Computer simulation: random number generators, validation tests, generating random variables, event-driven simulation, and simulation project of networking systems. (See the course Syllabus)
Pre-requisite: CEN 531 or consent of the Instructor.
Pre-requisite: CEN 531 or consent of the Instructor.
Textbooks :
- Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, by Alberto Leon-Garcia, Addison-Wesley.
- Averill M Law, Simulation Modeling & Analysis, McGraw Hill, 2005.
Course Lectures:
- Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course
- Lecture 2: Basic Concepts of Probability Theory (PDF)
- Lecture 3: Random Variables 1 (PDF)
- Lecture 4: Random Variables 2 (PDF)
- Lecture 5: Basic Queuing Theory: Stochastic Process, Poisson Process, Markov Processes (PDF)
- Lecture 6: Basic Queuing Theory: DTMC, CTMC, BDP (PDF)
- Lecture 7: Basic Queuing Theory: Little's law, M/M/1,M/M/1/K,M/M/C,M/M/C/C (PDF)
- Lecture 8: M/G/1, Network of queues: Burke theorem, Jackson theorem (PDF).
- Lecture 9: Simulation Modeling: Introduction to simulation (PDF) (Chapter1 c code)
- Lecture 10: Random number generators and random number variants (PDF).
- Lecture 11: Random number generators and generating random variables.
- Lecture 12: Explanation of M/M/1 Simulation Code (PDF)..
- Lecture 13: Network simulation tools (OMNET++, OPNET, NS3).
- Lecture 14: Paper Work presentation.
Written Assignments:
- Assignment 1: HW1 & Paper Reading
- Assignment 2 : HW2 (Probability distributions and random variables)
- Assignment 2 : HW3 ( Queuing Model & Network simulation tools presentation)
Simulation Assignments
General guidelines for submitting your assignments: The allocated time for the assignment is counted from the time the assignment is given, and takes into account all activities such programming, plotting, and documentation. For each assignment you must submit, final report in PDF format, the C code, Matlab code and its data files, etc.,. You need to zip all the pertaining files into one, and email it with .zip extension, e.g., In general, the assignments are built on the top of each other, that is, code of assignment 2 is a modification of Assignment 1, and so on.
Number of assignmets: 4 assignmets including the paper simulation assignments (Click here to download the assignments)
Number of assignmets: 4 assignmets including the paper simulation assignments (Click here to download the assignments)
The time line for these assignmets is as follows:
1) Assignment 1 Part I: Due to Sunday, Dec. 4, no submission
2) Assignment 1 Part II: Due to Sunday, Dec. 11, before class time
3) Assignment 2 : Due to Sunday, Dec. 18, before class time
4) Assignment 3: Due to Sunday, Dec. 25, before class time
5) Paper Simulation Assignment: Due to Sunday, Dec. 31,