491 POS Clinical Orthodontics
Course Description:
The course aims to increase the knowledge of the students in theoretical background of the selected orthodontics topics, to familiarize the students with the clinical orthodontic instrumentation, to expose the student to the clinical procedures of case assessment, to familiarize the students with the appropriate procedure of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning and to expose the students to the othodontic management of malocclusions. The course consists of 17 sessions. Each session consists of a seminar and a clinical session. The seminar covers selected orthodontic topics not covered extensively in the previous course. Each student gives a presentation followed by group discussion. The clinical session covers the clinical orthodontic instrumentation, case assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning, and the orthodontic management of malocclusions.
At the end of the course, the students should be able to recognize and classify the different types of malocclusions and to define the cases suitable for treatment.
Credit hour: 1 hour