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رائد سعد ناصر الحربي

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources

كلية الهندسة
كلية الهندسة, مبنى رقم 3 مكتب رقم ٢أ٤٩

introduction/brief CV

Raied Alharbi is an Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the King Saud University. He received a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering (2011) from King Saud University and a Master's degree in Civil Engineering (2015) from Colorado State University. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from University of California Irvine (2019).

Dr.Raied’s research focuses in the area of remote sensing of precipitation and hydrologic system modeling, and flood modeling and forecasting. His long-term research objective is to utilize continuously growing satellite data along with ground-based observations to improve decision support systems.

areas of expertise

  1. Hydrology
  2. Water resources management
  3. Remote sensing applications in water resources
  4. Flood risk assessment and mitigation
  5. Rainfall analysis
  6. Drought management
  7. Surface runoff modeling
  8. Reservoir management
  9. Hydrological modeling and validation
  10. GIS-based watershed analysis

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 Units and dimensions, fluid properties, fluid pressure at a point, pressure variation with depth, hydrostatic forces on plane surfaces, hydrostatic forces on curved surfaces, …


الدورة الهيدرولوجية، والميزانية المائية وبيانات الأرصاد الجوية، العمليات الهيدرولوجية: هطول الأمطار؛ التبخر؛ النتح؛ الجريان السطحي و الجريان فى الجداول؛ التسرب؛ تكوينات المياه الجوفية والآبار.…
