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Rabia Jafri Ali

Associate Professor

Department of Information Technology

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building 6, 3rd Floor, Room 98 (6T98)

introduction/brief CV

I am currently working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Technology at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

My research interests include: image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition and applications with a focus on biometrics and assistive technologies; machine learning; human-computer interaction; augmented and virtual reality.

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This course covers the topics: Virtual reality, multiple modal interaction, visual-auditory-haptic, interaction immersion and imagination, visual computation and environmental modeling; geometric…


This course will provide introduction of the relevant concepts, issues and practices in this diverse field including a brief history of data/information visualization; principles of visual…


The course covers an overview of the hypermedia/interactive multimedia technology through working with various hypermedia/interactive multimedia tools and applying them in developing interactive…