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Dr Ravindra Kumar Gupta

Assistant Professor


كلية العلوم
King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology, Building 4, GF, Office No. 1

introduction/brief CV

Dr. Ravindra Kumar Gupta

Assistant Professor

King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology (KAIN)

KAIN Office, Cabin 1 (Ground Floor)

Lab No. 2A32 (Second Floor)

King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455

Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia

College of Science, Building No. 4

KSU Campus, Riyadh 11451

Mobile: +966-597546514  E-mail:; ORCID: 0000-0003-1278-6576 ResearcherID: B-7476-2014                 

Academic Qualifications (All from Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, India)





School/ College




Physics (Solid State Ionics/ Materials Science)

School of Studies in Physics




Physics (Classical Electrodynamics and Quantum Theory of Radiation, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Adv. Solid-State Phys.)

School of Studies in Physics




Physics (Math. methods, Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Statistical Phys., Nuclear Phys., Solid-State Phys., Electronics)

School of Studies in Physics




Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics

Govt. Digvijay Col., Rajnandgaon

Thesis Title: Studies on Electrical Properties and Battery Characteristics of Some Composite Electrolytes   

Advisor: Prof. Rakesh Chandra Agrawal (School of Studies in Physics, Pt. R. S. Univ., Raipur), a PhD student of Late Prof. Suresh Chandra, BHU, India

Dissertation Topic: Sensitization effect in the photoconductivity of ZnO

Advisor: Prof. Shashi Bhusan (School of Studies in Physics, Pt. R. S. Univ., Raipur).

Employment (26 years)

From - To (D/M/Y)


Institution (Department) Place, Country

Nature of Work

27/11/2019-Till Date

Assistant Professor

King Saud Univ. (King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Research: Energy Materials


Assistant Professor

King Saud Univ. (Optometry) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Teaching UG: Optics

Research: Energy Materials


Postdoctoral Fellow

Sognag Univ. (Chem. & Biomolecular Eng.) Seoul, South Korea

Research: Solar Cells


BK-21 Fellow

Yonsei Univ. (Mater. Sci. & Eng.) Seoul, South Korea

Research: SOFC


Postdoctoral Fellow

Inha Univ. (Mater. Sci. & Eng.) Incheon, South Korea

Research: SOFC


Assistant Professor

Debub Univ. (Applied Physics) Awassa, Ethiopia

Teaching UG: Physics


DST Scientist/ Postdoctoral Fellow

Pandit Ravishankar Shukla Univ. (School of  Studies in Physics) Raipur, India

Research: Solid Electrolytes

Teaching PG: Physics


Research Professor

Inha Univ. (Mater. Sci. & Eng.) Incheon, South Korea

Research: Inorganic-organic hybrids, Sol-gel



Lithium Power Technologies, Inc., Manvel, USA

(With a special leave from the CSIR, India.)

Research: Batteries


CSIR Research Associate

Pandit Ravishankar Shukla Univ. (School of  Studies in Physics) Raipur, India

Research: Solid Electrolytes

Teaching PG: Physics


Lecturer (Part time)

Raipur Institute of Technology, Raipur, India

Teaching UG: Engg. Phys.

Research Area/ Interest


Solid Electrolytes and Electrodes for Renewable Energy Sources and Batteries; Nano-materials for Energy Application

Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars Attended:

37 (including 9 Invited talks)

Research Papers Published: 90


Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: 28

Batteries: 42

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: 9

Misc: 11


Research Projects Involved In

  • UAEU-AUA Joint-Research Project awarded to Dr. Na’il Saleh Ibrahim from the UAE University, UAE (PI) and me as a Co-I; Efficient Solar Energy Conversion using Encapsulated Organic Dyes. Project Code 12R025, February 1, 2021 - January 31, 2023.
  • National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (NPST), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia awarded to me as a PI and Dr Idriss Bedja and Dr Abdullah Aldwayyan as Co-I; Towards all-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells using Co(II/III) redox couple-based solid polymer electrolytes. Project code 13-ENE886-2. March 1, 2020 - February 28, 2023.
  • Department of Science & Technology (DST), New Delhi, India (Fast-track Young Scientist Project) awarded to me as a Scientist; “Li+ ion conducting polymer electrolyte batteries”; May’ 2003–May’ 2006 (Withdrawn).
  • Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India awarded to me as a Research Associate; Ag+-based solid electrolytes for battery application; Oct.’1997–Nov.’2001.
  • As a Co-Investigator/ Research Professor/ Scientist/ Postdoctoral Fellow/ Project Assistant with Prof. Hee-Woo Rhee, Sogang Univ, Seoul, Korea; Prof. Chin Myung Whang, Inha Univ., Incheon, Korea; Prof. Y. S. Cho, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea; Lithium Power Technologies, Inc., Manvel, USA; Prof. Rakesh C. Agrawal, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla Univ., Raipur, India.

Membership of Learned Societies

  • Life member, Materials Research Society of India, No. LMB396


  • Achieved Best Poster Award for paper entitled “XRD Analysis of Sol-Gel Derived Novel SOFC Perovskite Cathode: (La0.9Sr0.1) (Cr0.85Co0.05Fe0.05Ni0.05)O3”, R.K. Gupta and C.M. Whang, presented at the Mater. Res. Soc., Korea, Spring Symp. May 19-20, 2006, Jinju, Korea.
  • Achieved Best Paper Award for paper entitled “Sol-Gel Synthesis and Structural Study on novel IT-SOFC Perovskite Cathode: (La1-xSrx) (Cr0.85Co0.05Fe0.05Ni0.05)O3”, R.K. Gupta and C.M. Whang, presented at the IUMRS-ICA-2006, Sept. 10-14, 2006, Jeju, Korea. 
  • Achieved Best Poster Award for paper entitled “Phase evolution, structure, oxygen stoichiometry, micro-structure and electrical property of perovskite-type cathodes, (La0.75Sr0.25)(Mn0.95-xMxNi0.05)O3+δ, where x = 0.1 - 0.3 mole, and M = Fe or Co”, R.K. Gupta, presented at the Yonsei University Brain Korea Seminar, Jan. 15, 2008, Seoul, Korea.

Computer Skill

  • Passed Diploma in Computer Programming (Part-time) from the Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, India. Diploma awarded, 10 Nov. 1993
  • Well acquainted with Windows-based operating systems, MS Office, and various research-based software.

Personal Profile

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: March 23, 1969

Father’s Name: Late Jagannath Prasad  Gupta

Nationality: Indian

Marital Status: Married with Dr. Santosh Rani Agrawal

Children: 2



7847, Wadi Mabayid Street, Umm Al Hamam West,

Riyadh 12327 - 3330, Saudi Arabia

Mobile: +966-592111940


S/o Late Shri J. P. Gupta, Beauty Palace, Hatari Choak, Chandrapur – 495692, CG, India

Mobile: +91-9098165222;



Teaching Statement


UG Level, 7.2 years; PG Level, 2.25 years. Total: 9.4 years

Teaching Area/ Interest

Mechanics and Heat; Electricity and Magnetism; Geometrical Optics; Physical Optics; Clinical Visual Optics; Solid State Physics; Statistical Physics; Electronics; Laser Physics; Engineering Physics; Photovoltaic Sources; Renewable Energy.

Teaching Philosophy

  • My basic educational approach

Being an Indian and grown with a healthy “Guru-Shishya Parampara”, the excellent relation between the student and teacher, I follow the Indian tradition of teaching and interaction with the students. This has been creating a healthy teaching and research atmosphere and resulting in good performance by students. I also use the modern teaching aids and introduce the latest trend of the research work to make my students up-to-date. 

  • How I work with the development of student learning

A student learns very fast if the topic is interesting and related with his goal. A presentation using pictures, videos, and simulations helps to increase the subject understanding. Therefore, while preparing a PPT file for lecture, I use pictures, diagrams, simulations, etc. to explain the subject. I always correlate the topic with the student’s objective.  

  • How I work with the development of my own learning

Learning is a lifelong process.  Self-learning is required for a teacher/ research scholar for updating himself as per the society/ scientific need. I keep myself updated using literature survey through the Web of Science and the SciFinder. I use Endnote to store the searched data. I also use pdf files for reading.    

  • How I contribute to the organizational development of my institution

An educational institute can be improved by hiring teachers, who are good in both teaching and research. The research helps to develop state-of-the-art devices for the society and brings funding in the Institution. Students learn new techniques and get hired by companies. As mentioned earlier, teaching helps a student to learn a topic fast. Because of my teaching capability and energy-based research experience, I will be able to fetch funding easily and produce energy-based skilled students.      

  • I have knowledge of contemporary teaching practices and experience in testing/ assessment, quality assurance and standards for accreditation, e-learning, and curriculum/ materials design and development.

Developed Course Curriculum

  • Statistical physics and Solid state physics at the Dept. of Applied Physics, Debub University, Awassa, Ethiopia
  • Geometric optics, Physical optics and Clinical visual optics as per NCAAA at Dept. of Optometry, King Saud Univ., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Courses Taught

  • 09/2013–05/2019: Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, King Saud University, Dept. of Optometry; Optometry Doctor.
  • Geometrical Optics (Opto221): Geometric methods as applied to refractive and reflecting surfaces, thin and thick lens systems, magnification and prism properties of lenses.
  • Clinical Visual Optics (Opto223): A review of general and physical optics, optical properties of the eye, image quality, schematic and reduced eyes, optics of the cyclopean eye, measurement of parameters of the eye, accommodation, retinal image size, refractive errors, visual axes, Euclidean and non-Euclidean space, Pulfrich phenomenon, spherical ametropia as related to spectacle and relative spectacle magnification, ocular catoptrics and entopic phenomena.
  • Physical Optics and Photometry (Opto311): Principles and clinical applications of apertures and stops, basic photometric concepts, measurement of light levels, applications in ergonomics, diffraction, interference, polarization, birefringence and lasers.
  • Developed lab experiments including teaching materials for OPTO 221 and OPTO 311
  • Research Project (Opto475/Opto498/Opto499) for the final year students.
  • 11/2003−07/2005: Ethiopia, Awassa, Debub University, Dept. of Applied Physics; Bachelor of Science.
  • Mechanics and Heat (Phys201): Vectors, Kinematics of a particle, Dynamics of a particle, Work and energy, Dynamics of systems of particles, Rigid body motion, Oscillatory motion, Gravitation, Fluid mechanics, Waves, Heat and thermodynamics.
  • Electricity and Magnetism (Phys202): Electric fields, Electric potential, Capacitance and Dielectrics, Electric circuits, Magnetic field, Electromagnetic induction, Magnetic materials, Circuits with varying current, EM waves and Maxwell’s equations, Light.
  • Phys211 (Lab Experiments) based on Mechanics and Heat.
  • Statistical Physics (Phys322): Review of the laws of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic potentials, Conditions for equilibrium and stability, Legendre transformations, Maxwell relations, Phase transitions, Quantum statistics, System of interacting particles, Kinetic theory of transport processes.
  • Solid State Physics-I (Phys451): Crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, Classification of crystals and binding energy, Thermal properties of solids, Dielectric properties of solids and phase transitions, Dia-, para- and ferro- magnetism.
  • Solid State Physics-II (Phys452): Free electron Fermi gas, Energy bands, Semiconductor crystals, Superconductivity, Point defects
  • Senior Research Projects (Phys492) by a 4th year student on a selected topic in physics.
  • 08/1997−04/2000 and 08/2003−11/2003: India, Raipur, Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University, School of Studies in Physics; Master of Science.
  • Solid State Physics: Crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, Classification of crystals and binding energy, Thermal properties of solids, Dielectric properties of solids and phase transitions, Dia-, para- and ferro- magnetism, Free electron fermi gas, Energy bands, Semiconductor crystals, Point defects.
  • Electronics: Energy bands in solids, Transport phenomena in semiconductors, Junction-diode characteristics, Diode circuits, Transistor characteristics, Digital circuits, Transistor at low frequencies, Transistor bias and Thermal stabilization, Transistor at high frequencies, Multistage amplifiers, Feedback amplifiers, Stability and Oscillators, Operational amplifiers.
  • Laser Physics: Population inversion, Laser pumping, Resonators - Vibrational modes of resonators, number of modes/unit volume - Open resonators, Control resonators, Q Factor, Losses in the cavity, Threshold condition, Quantum yield; Ruby Laser – three level system, Pumping power, CaF2 laser, four level laser, Neodymium laser - Nd:YAG; Applications of Lasers in Industry, Medicine & Communication.
  • Lab Experiments: Based on Solid State Physics and Electronics.
  • 02/1997-08/1997: India, Raipur, Raipur Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics; Bachelor of Engineering.
  • Engineering Physics: Semiconducting materials, Dielectric materials, Magnetic materials, Superconducting  materials.
  • Lab Experiments


Research Statement


MPhil: 1 year; PhD: 5.2 years; Postdoctoral work: 26 years

Research Area/ Interest

Solid Electrolytes and Electrodes for Renewable Energy Sources and Batteries; Nano-particles for Energy Application.

Key Skills

Ionic conductivity, interfacial resistance, capacitance, and dielectric constant by impedance spectroscopy; electrical conductivity by van der Pauw four-probe dc method; ionic mobility by Transient ionic current technique;  ionic transference number and ionic drift velocity by dc polarization technique; thermoelectric power by Differential method; structural parameters, such as lattice parameters, volume, bond length, and bond angle using Rietveld analysis of the XRD pattern; structural analysis of the FT-IR and Raman spectra through OPUS software; thermal properties using DTA,  DSC, and TGA;  thermal expansion using Dilatometry;  Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area; pore size and volume by Archimedes’ principle; porosity using Pycnometry; Microstructure using SEM; transmittance/ absorption of polymeric film using UV-visible spectrophotometry; battery property; compressive strength using Universal Tester; thickness and camber measurements using surface profilometry; photovoltaic properties; Nanosecond laser flash photolysis spectroscopy.

Methods of Preparation

Electrochemical Etching; Solution Casting; UV Curing; Dip and Spin Coating; Sol-Gel Processing (Traditional, Sono Catalysis, Polymeric-Gel, Pechini); Polymeric Sponge; Slurry coating using Myer rod; Tape-casting; Screen-printing; Spray coating; Solid-state methods (Physical mixing, annealing, and melt-quenching); Coating of metal on polymer film by a Thermal-evaporator; Doctor blade.

Designed Sets-up

Sample holder for Li+ ion transport parameters; Sample holder for high-temperature electrical conductivity measurement; Electro-phoretic deposition (EPD) set-up; Furnace; Electrochemical etching set-up; Ionic solar cell; Spin-coater; Electrostatic spray deposition unit. 

Conferences/ Workshops Participated

  1. Workshop on Solid State Ionics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, Nov.  2-8, 1992.
  2. 3rd Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Varanasi, India, Nov.  9-13, 1992. Paper presented: Solid state battery using all halide glassy electrolyte: 0.45AgI: 0.35AgCl: 0.2CsCl.
  3. 81st Indian Science Congress, Jaipur, India, Jan. 3-8, 1994. Paper presented: Battery discharge characteristics and transference number studies of 0.7[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: 0.3Al2O3. (ISCA-94 Young Scientist Contest)
  4. 1st National Conference on Solid State Ionics, Amritsar, India, Feb. 14-16, 1994. Paper presented: [0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl] quenched system: A better choice as host compound in place of AgI to prepare Ag+ ion conducting superionic glasses and composites.
  5. 82nd Indian Science Congress, Calcutta, India, Jan.3-8, 1995. Paper presented: A new fast Ag+ ion conducting composite electrolyte system: Solid state battery and thermoelectric power studies. (ISCA-95 Young Scientist Contest)
  6. 2nd National Conference on Solid State Ionics, Madras, India, Feb.  15-17, 1996.  Paper presented: Transport property studies on some new Ag+ ion conducting superionic solids.
  7. 5th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Kandy, Sri Lanka, Dec. 2-7, 1996. Paper presented: Thermoelectric power study on a new Ag+ ion conducting composite electrolyte system: (1-x)[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: xSnO2
  8. 3rd National Conference on Solid State Ionics, Itanagar, India, March 23-26, 1998. Paper presented: Polarisation/self-depolarization studies on Ag+ ion conducting quenched [0.75AgI:0.25AgCl] mixed-system/solid-solution.
  9. National Conference on Science & Technology of Exotic Materials, Bhopal, India, June 5-6, 1998. Paper presented: Estimation of mobile ion concentration in Ag+ ion conducting AgI by dc polarization/ depolarization studies.
  10. 6th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Suraj Kund, New Delhi, India, Nov. 29 - Dec. 4, 1998. Paper presented: Thermoelectric power and battery discharge characteristic studies on a new silver ion conducting composite electrolyte system.
  11. WRIC Workshop on Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, India, Nov. 5 - 10, 2001.
  12. 8th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Langkawi, Malaysia, Dec. 15-19, 2002. Paper presented: Electrical and structural properties of new Li+ ion conducting sol-gel derived ormolytes: (SiO2-PEG)-LiCF3SO3.
  13. Materials Research Society, Korea, Spring Symp. Jinju, Korea, May 19-20, 2006. Paper presented: XRD Analysis of Sol-Gel Derived Novel SOFC Perovskite Cathode: (La0.9Sr0.1)(Cr0.85Co0.05Fe0.05Ni0.05)O3 (Recipient of Best Poster Award)
  14. IUMRS-ICA-2006, Jeju, Korea, Sept. 10-14, 2006. Papers presented: (i) Sol-Gel Synthesis and Structural Study on novel IT-SOFC Perovskite Cathode: (La1-xSrx)(Cr0.85Co0.05Fe0.05Ni0.05)O3 (Recipient of Best Paper Award); (ii) Investigation on Electronic Conducting Ceramic Foams as SOFC Current Collectors.
  15. 2nd International Workshop on Nanostructured Materials, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, June 15, 2007. Paper presented: Anionic effect on synthesis of new doped LaMO3-d (M = Cr, Mn) perovskites for solid oxide fuel cell applications. (Invited Talk)
  16. Yonsei University Brain Korea Seminar, Jan. 15, 2008, Seoul, Korea. Paper presented: Phase evolution, structure, oxygen stoichiometry, micro-structure and electrical property of perovskite-type cathodes, (La0.75Sr0.25)(Mn0.95-xMxNi0.05)O3+δ, where x = 0.1 - 0.3 mole, and M = Fe or Co. (Recipient of Best Poster Award)
  17. Korea Society of New and Renewable Energy 2008, Daegue, Korea, May 22-23, 2008. Paper presented: Structural, micro-structural and electrical properties of perovskite-type cathodes, (La0.75Sr0.25) (Mn0.85M0.1Ni0.05) O3+δ, M = Fe and Co, for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell application
  18. 18th Int. Conf. on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-18), Seoul, Korea, July 25~30, 2010. Paper presented: Poly(ethylene oxide): succinonitrile A new polymeric matrix of solid electrolytes for dye-sensitized solar cells.
  19. 1stInt. Conf. on Tap Sun: The Sustainable Future (ICTAPSUN – 2011), IICT, Hyderabad, India, November 25-26, 2011. Paper presented: Electrical and photovoltaic properties of blend-based solid polymer electrolytes.
  20. Workshop on “Effective Use of Spectroscopy” organized by King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 4, 2012.
  21. 2nd Saudi Association of Optometry Conference (SAO2013), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, November 25-27, 2013. Paper presented: Contact Lenses – Materials Aspect. 
  22. 14th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics (ACSSI-2014), NUS, Singapore, June 24-27, 2014. Paper presented: Electrical, structural, optical and thermal properties of (1-x)blend: xLi[(CF3SO2)2N] solid polymer electrolyte system.
  23. 14th International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2015), Jeju, Korea, October 25-29, 2015. Paper presented: Electrical and photovoltaic properties of poly(ethylene oxide)-succinonitrile blend-based redox-couple solid polymer electrolytes.
  24. AICTE sponsored online ATAL Faculty Development Program on "Material Modeling for Nano-Electronic Devices”, MMNED 2020, Shri Shankaracharya Group of Institutions, Bhilai, India, Nov. 2-6, 2020. Invited talk on “Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.”
  25. Online Short Term Training Program on “Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Applications”, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India, Feb 26 - March 3, 2021. Invited talk on “Redox Electrolyte Optimization and Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Performance Analysis Using Impedance Spectroscopy.”
  26. International Webinar at Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Univ., Raipur, India, June 4, 2021. Invited talk (online) on “Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A Review on Electrolytes”.
  27. 4th Int. Conference on Science & Engineering of Materials (ICSEM-2021), Sharda University, Greater Noida (UP), India, July 19 – 22, 2021. Invited talk on “Plastic Crystal-Based Redox Mediators for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.” (Hybrid)
  28. 14th National Conference on Solid State Ionics (NCSSI-14), Delhi University, New Delhi, India, December 16-18, 2021. Paper presented: Electrical, Structural, Optical, and Thermal Properties of Cobalt-based Redox Mediators, [(1-x) Succinonitrile: xPEO]-LiTFSI-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)2-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)3. (Hybrid)
  29. International Conference on Energy Materials and Devices (ICEMD-2022), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, January 11& 12, 2022. Invited talk on “Cobalt-Based Solid Redox Mediators.” Worked as a member of Expert Panel too. (Hybrid)
  30. Workshop on Nanostructures for Biomedical Application (NBA-2022), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 9, 2022.
  31. International Conference on Sustainability: Developments and Innovations (ICSDI 2022), Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 19 - 22, 2022. Paper presented: Poly(ethylene oxide)-Succinonitrile Blend-Based Redox Mediators for Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Worked as a Session Chair too. (Hybrid)
  32. International Conference on Functional Materials (ICFM-2022), Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, India, August 24-26, 2022. Invited talk on “A Blend of Poly(Ethylene Oxide) and Tetramethyl Succinonitrile as a Matrix for Solid Polymer Electrolytes”. (Hybrid)
  33. 17th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics (ACSSI-2022), Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, Sept. 12-15, 2022. Paper presented: Poly(Ethylene Oxide)-Tetramethyl Succinonitrile Blend as a Matrix for Solid Polymer Electrolytes. (Hybrid)
  34. International Conference & Exhibition for Science (ICES2023), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 6–8, 2023. Paper presented: Electrical Transport Properties of [Succinonitrile- Poly(Ethylene Oxide)]- LiX- Co(bpy)3(TFSI)2- Co(bpy)3(TFSI)3 Solid Redox Mediators, Where X = TFSI or Triflate. (Hybrid)
  35. International workshop on "Experimental and Simulation Solutions for developing Novel Sustainable Materials" (IWESSM-2023), Govt. Nagarjuna PG College of Science, Raipur, India, February 7-10, 2023. Invited talk on “Solar Cells: Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells―Some Basics.” (Hybrid)
  36. 4th International Conference on Condensed Matter & Applied Physics (ICC-2023), Govt. Engineering College, Bikaner, India, Oct. 9-10, 2023. Paper presented: Anionic Effect on Electrical Transport Properties of [(1-x)Succinonitrile- xPoly(Ethylene Oxide)]-LiX (X = TFSI or Triflate)-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)2-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)3 Solid Electrolytes. (Hybrid)
  37. 2nd International Conference on Environment and Energy Materials (INCEEM-2023), Sharda University, Greater Noida (UP), India, Dec. 6-9, 2023. Invited talk on “[(1-x)Succinonitrile: x Poly(Ethylene Oxide)]-Based Solid I/I3-, Co2+/Co3+, and Cu+/Cu2+ Redox Mediators for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.”


List of Publications

In Journals

  1. Electrical Transport Properties of [(1-x)Succinonitrile: xPoly(Ethylene Oxide)]- LiCF3SO3- Co[tris-(2,2'-bipyridine)]3 (TFSI)2- Co[tris-(2,2'-bipyridine)]3(TFSI)3 Solid Redox Mediators. R. K. Gupta, H. Shaikh, A. Imran, I. Bedja, A. F. Ajaj, A. S. Aldwayyan, A. Khan, R. Ayub, RSC Advances 14(1) (2024) 539-547. DOI: 10.1039/d3ra07314a.
  2. Studies on Polybenzimidazole and Methanesulfonate Protic-Ionic-Liquids-Based Composite Polymer Electrolyte Membranes. A. Anis, M. Alam, A. Alhamidi, R. K. Gupta, M. Tariq, S. M. Al-Zahrani, Polymers, 15 (2023) 2821 DOI: 10.3390/polym15132821
  3. Dyeing Non-Recyclable Polyethylene Plastic with Photoacid Phycocyanobilin from Spirulina Algae: Ultrafast Photoluminescence Studies. M. Alhefeiti, F. Chandra, R.K. Gupta, N. Saleh, Polymers 14 (2022) 4811 DOI: 10.3390/polym14224811
  4. Structural, Thermal, and Electrical Properties of Poly(Ethylene Oxide)-Tetramethyl Succinonitrile Blend for Redox Mediators. R.K. Gupta, H. Shaikh, A. Imran, I. Bedja, A.S. Aldwayyan, Polymers 14 (2022) 3728 DOI: 10.3390/polym14183728
  5. Tuning the Frӧlich interactions in bismuth modified lead sulfide quantum dots to minimize the excitonic carrier energy dissipation. M. Shkir, S. M. Mariappan, A. Khan, E. Vinoth, H. Algarni, A.M. El-Toni, A. A. Ansari, A Aldalbahi, R.K. Gupta, S. AlFaify, International Journal of Energy Research 46 (2022) 11914  DOI: 10.1002/er.7961
  6. Electrical Transport, Structural, Optical and Thermal Properties of [(1-x)Succinonitrile: xPEO]-LiTFSI-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)2-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)3 Solid Redox Mediators, R. K. Gupta, H. Shaikh, A. Imran, I. Bedja, A. F. Ajaj, A. S. Aldwayyan, Polymers 14 (2022) 1870. DOI: 10.3390/polym14091870
  7. Characterization of Thermal, Ionic Conductivity and Electrochemical Properties of some p-Tosylate Anions Based Protic Ionic Compounds. A. Anis, M. Alam, A. Alhamidi, M. A. Alam, R. K. Gupta, M. Tariq, H.  M. Shaikh, A. M. Poulose, S. M. Al-Zahrani, Crystals 12 (2022) 507. DOI: 10.3390/cryst12040507
  8. Tetramethyl succinonitrile as a solid plasticizer in a poly(ethylene oxide)8-LiI-I2 solid polymer electrolyte. R.K. Gupta, H. Shaikh, A. Imran, I. Bedja, A.S. Aldwayyan, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 43 (2022) 2100764. DOI: 10.1002/marc.202100764
  9. Insight into Al doping effect on photodetector performance of CdS and CdS: Mg films prepared by self-controlled nebulizer spray technique. K. D. A. Kumar, P. Mele, S. Golovynskyi A. Khan, A. M. El-Toni, A.A. Ansari, R. K. Gupta, H. Ghaithan, S. AlFaify, P. Murahari, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 892 (2022) 160801. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.160801
  10. Zinc influence on nanostructured tin oxide (SnO2) films as ammonia sensor at room temperature, M. Boomashri, P. Perumal, A. Khan, A. M. El-Toni, A. A. Ansari, R. K. Gupta, P. Murahari, K. D. A. Kumar,  Surfaces and Interfaces 25 (2021) 101195. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101195
  11. Effect of laponite nanoclay dispersion on electrical, structural, and photovoltaic properties of dispersed [poly(ethylene oxide)-succinonitrile]-LiI-I2 solid polymer electrolyte, R.K. Gupta, H.-W. Rhee, I. Bedja, A. N AlHazaa, A. Khan, Journal of Power Sources 490 (2021) 229509, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.229509.
  12. Tailoring the structure-morphology-vibrational-optical-dielectric and electrical characteristics of Ce@NiO NPs produced by facile combustion route for optoelectronics. M. Shkir, K.V. Chandekar, A. Khan, T. Alshahrani, A.M. El-Toni, M.A. Sayed, A.K. Singh, A.A. Ansari, M.R. Muthumareeswaran, A. Aldalbahi, R.K. Gupta, S. AlFaify, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 126 (2021) 105647. DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2020.105647
  13. One-pot flash combustion synthesis of Fe@NiO nanocomposites for supercapacitor applications. A. Khan, M. Shkir, S.A. Ansari, N. Parveen, S. AlFaify, A. M. El-Toni, R.K. Gupta, S.F. Adil, Ceramics International 47 (2021) 9024-9033. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.12.025
  14. Understanding the electrical transport - structure relationship and photovoltaic properties of a [succinonitrile–ionic liquid]–LiI–I2 redox electrolyte, R.K. Gupta, H. Shaikh, I. Bedja, ACS Omega 5 (2020) 12346 -12354. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c01091
  15. Utilization of polyethylene terephthalate waste for preparing disodium terephthalate and Its application in a solid polymer electrolyte, N. Haq, F. Shakeel, F.K. Alanazi, H. Shaikh, I. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (2019) 47612. DOI: 10.1002/app.47612
  16. Electrical, structural, and thermal properties of succinonitrile-LiI-I2 redox-mediator, R.K. Gupta, I. Bedja, A Islam, H. Shaikh, Solid State Ionics 326 (2018) 166-172. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2018.10.008
  17. Cationic effect on dye-sensitized solar cell properties using electrochemical impedance and transient absorption spectroscopy techniques, R.K. Gupta, I. Bedja, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 50 (2017) 245501. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aa6fa3
  18. Heteroleptic Ru(II) cyclometalated complexes derived from benzimidazole-phenyl carbene ligands for dye-sensitized solar cells: an experimental and theoretical approach, T. Jella, M. Srikanth, Y. Soujanya, S. P. Singh, L. Giribabu, A. Islam, L. Han, I. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, Materials Chemistry Frontiers 1 (2017) 947-957. DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00264A
  19. Effect of different auxiliary ligands and anchoring ligands on neutral thiocyanate-free ruthenium(II) dyes bearing tetrazole chromophores for dye-sensitized solar cells, G. Wu, R. Kaneko, K. Sugawa, A. Islam, I. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, L. Han, J. Otsuki, Dyes and Pigments 140 (2017) 354-362. DOI : 10.1016/j.dyepig.2017.01.061
  20. Effect of spacer and anchoring group of extended π-conjugated tetrathiafulvalene based sensitizers on the performance of dye sensitized solar cells, L. Giribabu, N. Duvva, S.P. Singh,   L. Han, I. M. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, A. Islam, Sustainable Energy & Fuels 1 (2017) 345-353. DOI: 10.1039/C6SE00014B
  21. Donor-π-acceptor based stable porphyrin sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells: Effect of π-conjugated spacers, N. V. Krishna, V. S. K. Jonnadula. S.P. Singh, L. Giribabu, L. Han, I. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, A. Islam, J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017) 6464-6477. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12869
  22. Cyclometalated ruthenium complexes with 6-(ortho-methoxyphenyl)-2,2'-bipyridine as panchromatic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells, R. Kaneko, G. Wu, K. Sugawa, J. Otsuki, A. Islam, L. Han, I. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 833 (2017) 61-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2017.01.025
  23. A detailed investigation into the electrical conductivity and structural properties of [poly(ethylene oxide)-succinonitrile]-Li(CF3SO2)2N solid polymer electrolytes, R.K. Gupta, H.-W. Rhee, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 38 (2017) 356-363. DOI: 10.1002/bkcs.11092
  24. Stable and charge recombination minimized π-extended thioalkyl substituted tetrathiafulvalene dye-sensitized solar cells, L. Giribabu, N. Duvva, S.P. Singh,   L. Han, I.M. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, A. Islam, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 1 (2017) 460-467.  DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00070C
  25. Thiocyanate-free asymmetric ruthenium(II) dye sensitizers containing azole chromophores with near-IR light-harvesting capacity, G. Wu, R. Kaneko, A. Islam, Y. Zhang, K. Sugawa, L. Han, Q. Shen, I. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, J. Otsuki, Journal of Power Sources 331 (2016) 100-111. DOI:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.09.040
  26. Near-infrared squaraine co-sensitizer for high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells, G. Hanumantha Rao, A. Venkateswararao, L. Giribabu, L. Han, I. Bedja, R.K. Gupta, A. Islam, S. P. Singh, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016) 14279-14285. DOI: 10.1039/C6CP01669C
  27. Study of donor–acceptor–π–acceptor architecture sensitizers with benzothiazole acceptor for dye-sensitized solar cells. G. Koyyada, S.P. Singh, K Bhanuprakash, L. Han, I. M. Bedja, R. K. Gupta, A. Islam, M. Chandrasekharam, Energy Technology 4 (2016) 458-468. DOI:10.1002/ente.201500431
  28. Neutral and anionic tetrazole-based ligands in designing novel ruthenium dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells. G. Wu, R. Kaneko, Y. Zhang, Y. Shinozaki, K. Sugawa, A. Islam, L. Han, I. Bedja, R. K. Gupta, Q. Shen, J. Otsuki, Journal of Power Sources 307 (2016) 416-425. DOI:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.12.135
  29. More stable and more efficient alternatives of Z-907: carbazole-based amphiphilic Ru(II) sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells, H. Cheema, A. Islam, R. Younts,  B. Gautam,  I. Bedja,  R. K. Gupta, L. Han, K. Gundogdu, A. El-Shafei, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 27078-27087. DOI:10.1039/C4CP04120H
  30. A comparative study of Ru (II) cyclometallated versus thiocyanated heteroleptic complexes: Thermodynamic force for efficient dye regeneration in dye-sensitized solar cells and how low could it be? M. Hussain, A. Islam, I. Bedja, R. K. Gupta, L. Han, A. El-Shafei, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 14874-14881. DOI: 10.1039/C4CP00907J
  31. Improved cell efficiency of [poly(ethylene oxide)-succinonitrile]/ LiI-I2 solid polymer electrolyte-based dye-sensitized solar cell. R. K. Gupta, I. M. Bedja, Physica Status Solidi A 211 (2014) 1601-1604. DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201330666
  32. Plasticizing effect of K+ ions and succinonitrile on electrical conductivity of [poly(ethylene oxide)–succinonitrile]/KI–I2 redox-couple solid polymer electrolyte. R. K. Gupta, H.-W. Rhee, J. Phys. Chem. B 117 (2013) 7465–7471. DOI: 10.1021/jp4025798
  33. Improved performance of silicon nanoparticle film coated dye-sensitized solar cells. R. K. Gupta, I. M. Bedja, A. S. Aldwayyan, Physica Status Solidi RRL 6 (2012) 424–426. DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201206273
  34. Effect of succinonitrile on electrical, structural, optical, and thermal properties of [poly(ethylene oxide)-succinonitrile]/LiI-I2 redox-couple solid polymer electrolyte. R. K. Gupta, H.-W. Rhee, Electrochimica Acta 76 (2012) 159-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2012.04.125
  35. Highly conductive redox-couple solid polymer electrolyte system: Blend-KI-I2 for dye-sensitized solar cells. R. K. Gupta, H.-W. Rhee, Advances in Optoelectronics (2011) 102932. DOI: 10.1155/2011/102932 (Non-ISI)
  36. Poly(ethylene oxide) : succinonitrile-a polymeric matrix for fast ion conducting redox-couple solid electrolytes. R. K. Gupta, H.-M. Kim, H.-W. Rhee, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 44 (2011) 205106. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/44/20/205106
  37. Effect of strontium ion doping on the crystal structural, thermal, micro-structural and electrical properties of a co-doped lanthanum manganite system. R. K. Gupta, E.Y. Kim, Y. H. Kim, C. M. Whang, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 490 (2010) 56-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.10.095
  38. Thermal, micro-structural and electrical properties of a La1-xSrx Mn0.85Fe0.05Co0.05Ni0.05O3+δ (x = 0 – 0.4 mole) cathode system, R. K. Gupta, E.Y. Kim, Y. H. Kim, C. M. Whang, Metals and Materials International 15 (2009) 1055-1060. DOI: 10.1007/s12540-009-1055-y
  39. Dependence of processing parameters on structural properties and microstructures of pulsed laser deposited LiMn2O4 thin films, D.W. Shin, R.K. Gupta, W.-K. Choi, Y.S. Cho, S.-J. Yoon, J.-W. Choi, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48 (2009) 075501. DOI: 10.1143/jjap.48.075501
  40. Characterization of perovskite-type cathode, La0.75Sr0.25 Mn0.95-xCoxNi0.05O3+d(0.1 £ x £ 0.3), for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. R. K. Gupta, I.J. Choi, Y.S. Cho, H.L. Lee, S.H. Hyun, Journal of Power Sources 187 (2009) 371-377. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2008.10.136
  41. Improved electrochemical properties of Li(Ni0.7Co0.3)O2 cathode for Lithium ion batteries with controlled sintering conditions. D. G. Lee, R. K. Gupta,Y. S. Cho,K. T. Hwang, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 39 (2009) 671-679. DOI: 10.1007/s10800-008-9707-z
  42. Effects of solvent and chelating agent on synthesis of solid oxide fuel cell perovskite, La0.8Sr0.2CrO3-d. B. I. Lee, R. K. Gupta, C. M. Whang, Materials Research Bulletin 43 (2008) 207-231. DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2007.10.007
  43. Mechanical, electrical and micro-structural properties of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 perovskite based ceramic foams. R. K. Gupta, E.Y. Kim, H. S. Noh, C. M. Whang, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 41 (2008) 032003. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/41/3/032003
  44. Improvement of temperature coefficient of frequency in Ba-deficient Ba5Nb4O15 microwave dielectrics. Y. H. Jo, D. W. Shin, V. S. Saji, R. K. Gupta, H. S. Lee, Y. S. Cho, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan 115 (2007) 978-981. DOI: 10.2109/jcersj2.115.978
  45. Effects of anion and synthesis route on the structure of (La0.9 Sr0.1)(Cr0.85 Fe0.05 Co0.05 Ni0.05)O3-d perovskite and removal of impurity phases. R. K. Gupta, C. M. Whang, Solid State Ionics 178 (2007) 1617-1626. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2007.10.013
  46. Physical and dielectric properties of aluminoborosilicate-based dielectrics containing different divalent oxides. D. W. Shin, V. S. Saji, R. K. Gupta, Y. S. Cho, Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 44 (2007) 613-617. Link
  47. Structural study of sol-gel derived novel solid oxide fuel cell perovskite: (La1-xSrx) (Cr0.85Fe0.05Co0.05Ni0.05)O3-d. R.K. Gupta, C. M. Whang, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 19 (2007) 196209. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/19/19/196209
  48. Vibrational spectroscopic studies of sol-gel derived physical and chemical bonded ORMOSILs. H.Y. Jung, R.K. Gupta, E.O. Oh, H.Y. Kim, C. M. Whang, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 372-379. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2005.01.004
  49. Electrical and electrochemical properties of a new silver tungstate glass system: x[0.75AgI:0.25AgCl]: (1-x) [Ag2O: WO3]. R.C. Agrawal, M.L. Verma, R. K. Gupta, Solid State Ionics 171 (2004) 199-205. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2004.04.021
  50. Transport properties and battery discharge characteristics of the Ag+ ion conducting composite electrolyte system: (1-x) [0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: Fe2O3. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, C.K. Sinha, R. Kumar, G. P. Pandey, Ionics 10 (2004) 113-117. DOI: 10.1007/BF02410317
  51. Electrical properties of a new Ag+ ion conducting glassy system: x[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: (1-x)[Ag2O: P2O5]. R.C. Agrawal, R.K Gupta, A. Bhatt, M. L. Verma, Angesh Chandra, Ionics 10 (2004) 126-128. DOI: 10.1007/BF02410320
  52. Effects of pH and dye concentration on optical and structural properties of coumarin-4 dye-doped SiO2-PDMS xerogels. E.O. Oh, R.K. Gupta, C.M. Whang, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 28 (2003) 279-288. DOI: 10.1023/A:1027442627485
  53. Influence of pH and dye concentration on physical properties and microstructure of coumarin-4 dye-doped SiO2-PDMS ORMOSIL. E.O. Oh, R.K. Gupta, N.H. Cho, Y.C. Yoo, W.S. Cho, C.M. Whang, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 24 (2003) 299-305. DOI: 10.5012/bkcs.2003.24.3.299
  54. Transport property of novel sono-catalyzed LiCF3SO3 doped SiO2-PEG ormolyte. H.Y. Jung, R.K. Gupta, C.J. Wi, C.M. Whang, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 36 (2003) 529-533. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/36/5/316
  55. Transport properties of a new Li+ ion conducting ormolyte: (SiO2-PEG)-LiCF3SO3. R.K. Gupta,H.Y. Jung, C.M. Whang, Journal of Materials Chemistry 12 (2002) 3779-3782. DOI: 10.1039/b205335g
  56. Ion transport and solid state battery studies on a new silver molybdate superionic glass system: x[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: (1-x) [Ag2O: MoO3]. R.C. Agrawal, M.L. Verma, R.K. Gupta, R. Kumar, R.M. Chandola, Ionics 8 (2002) 426-432. DOI : 10.1007/BF02376057
  57. Preparation and characterization of hybrid silica-poly(ethylene glycol) sonogel. H.Y. Jung, R.K. Gupta, D.W. Seo, Y.H. Kim, C.M. Whang, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 23 (2002) 884-890. DOI: 10.5012/bkcs.2002.23.6.884
  58. Transport property and mixed former effect studies on a new fast Ag+ ion conducting glass system: 0.7[0.75AgI: 0.7[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: 0.3[Ag2O: {xB2O3: (1-x)MoO3}]. R.C. Agrawal, M.L. Verma, R.K. Gupta, R. Kumar, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 35 (2002) 810-815. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/35/8/313
  59. Effects of ultrasonic irradiation on physical properties of Silica/PEG hybrids. H.Y. Jung, R.K. Gupta, S.K. Lee, C.M. Whang, Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 39 (2002) 113-119. DOI: 10.4191/kcers.2002.39.2.113
  60. Characterization of basic transport parameters in a new fast Ag+ ion conducting composite electrolyte system: (1-x) [0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: xZrO2. R.C. Agrawal, Mohan L. Verma, R.K. Gupta, S. Thaker, Solid State Ionics 136-137 (2000) 473-478. DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(00)00461-6
  61. Studies on persistent polarization/memory-type effect in Ag+ ion conducting quenched [0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl] mixed-system / solid-solution. R.C. Agrawal, Mohan L. Verma, R.K. Gupta, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 37 (1999) 334-337. Link
  62. Polarisation/self-depolarization studies on Ag+ ion conducting quenched [0.75AgI:0.25AgCl] mixed system/solid solution. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, Mohan L. Verma, A.R. Sharma, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 37 (1999) 235-238. Link
  63. Superionic solids: composite electrolyte phase-an overview. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, Journal of Materials Science 34 (1999) 1131-1162.  DOI: 10.1023/A:1004598902146
  64. Estimation of ionic drift velocity on some fast Ag+ ion conducting systems. R.C. Agrawal, R. Kumar, R.K. Gupta, Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials 57 (1998) 46-51. DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5107(98)00261-X
  65. A study of ionic transport properties on a new Ag+ ion conducting composite electrolyte system: (1-x)[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: xSiO2. R.C.  Agrawal, Mohan L. Verma, R.K. Gupta, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 31 (1998) 2854-2860. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/31/20/020
  66. Studies of polarization/self-depolarization and electret-type effect in AgI. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, Mohan L. Verma, Ionics 4 (1998) 33-41. DOI: 10.1007/BF02375777
  67. Detailed investigation of temperature dependence of ionic transport parameters of a new composite electrolyte system: (1-x)[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: xSnO2. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, Journal of Materials Science 32 (1997) 3327-3333. DOI: 10.1023/A:1018643910879
  68. Studies on ionic transport properties of a new Ag+ ion conducting composite electrolyte system:  (1-x)[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: xSnO2. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, Bulletin of Materials Science 19 (1996) 573-579. DOI: 10.1007/BF02744830
  69. [0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl] quenched system: A better choice as host compound in place of AgI to prepare Ag+ ion conducting superionic glasses and composites. R.C. Agrawal, R. Kumar, R.K. Gupta, M. Saleem, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 181 (1995) 110-115. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3093(94)00490-0
  70. Transport properties and battery discharge characteristic studies on (1-x)[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: xAl2O3 composite electrolyte system. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, Journal of Materials Science 30 (1995) 3612-3618. DOI: 10.1007/BF00351874
  71. Estimation of energies of Ag+ ion formation and migration using transient ionic current technique. R.C. Agrawal, K. Kathal, R.K. Gupta, Solid State Ionics 74 (1994) 137-140. DOI: 10.1016/0167-2738(94)90203-8
  72. Investigation on transport properties of the silver ion conducting composite electrolyte. R.K. Gupta, R.C. Agrawal, Solid State Ionics 72 (1994) 314-317. DOI: 10.1016/0167-2738(94)90166-X
  73. Ionic transport in (AgI: AgCl) mixed system. R.C. Agrawal, R. K. Gupta, R. Kumar, A. Kumar, Journal of Materials Science 29 (1994) 3673-3677. DOI: 10.1007/BF00357334


In Conference Proceedings (Non-ISI)

  1. Sustainable and Ecological Materials: Sodium-Ion Conducting Solid Electrolytes for Solid-State Rechargeable Batteries, R. K. Gupta, Conf. Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Sustainability: Developments and Innovations (ICSDI 2024), February 18–22, 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Accepted
  2. Electrical Transport Properties of [Succinonitrile-Poly(Ethylene Oxide)]-LiX-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)2-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)3 Solid Redox Mediators, Where X = TFSI or Triflate,  R. K. Gupta, H. Shaikh, A. Imran, I. Bedja, A. F. Ajaj, A. S. Aldwayyan, in “Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition for Science (ICES 2023),” Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 6-8, 2023, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI), Springer, Germany. Accepted
  3. Electrical, structural, optical and thermal properties of (1-x)Blend: xLi[(CF3SO2)2N] solid polymer electrolyte system, R. K. Gupta, H.-W. Rhee, in “Proceedings of the 14th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics", 2014, p. 179-186. DOI: 10.3850/978-981-09-1137-9_162
  4. Structural, thermal and electrical properties of a perovskite-type cathode  system, La0.75Sr0.25 Mn0.95-xCox Ni0.05O3+δ, R.K. Gupta, I.J. Choi, Y.S. Cho, in "Extended Abstract" of 26th Int. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics (Ibraki, Japan, 2009) p. 602-605.
  5. Improved flatness of tape-casted and cofired (NIO-CGO)/ CGO multi-layers for anode supported planar solid oxide fuel cells. R.K. Gupta, I.J. Choi, Y.S. Cho, in "Extended Abstract" of 26th Int. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics (Ibraki, Japan, 2009) p. 61-65.
  6. Electrical and structural properties of new Li+ ion conducting sol-gel derived ormolytes: (SiO2-PEG)-LiCF3SO3. R.K. Gupta,H.Y. Jung, C.J. Wi, C.M. Whang, in “Solid State Ionics: Trends in the New Millennium” (eds) B.V.R. Chowdari, S.R.S. Prabaharan, M. Yahaya, I.A. Talib (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002) p.369-376.  DOI: 10.1142/9789812776259_0041
  7. Investigation on a new Ag+ ion conducting two-phase composite electrolyte system: (1-x)[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: xFe2O3. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, C. K. Sinha, R. Kumar, in “Solid State Ionics”, Proc., 5th NCSSI, Nagpur, Feb. 15-17, 2002, (eds) K. Singh and S.S. Bhoga (Nagpur Univ., Nagpur, 2002) p.122-125.
  8. Studies on a new silver molybdate glass system: [0.75AgI:0.25AgCl]: (1-x)[Ag2O: MoO3]. R.C. Agrawal, Mohan L. Verma, R.K. Gupta, A Bhatt, in “Solid State Ionics”, Proc., 5th NCSSI, Nagpur, Feb. 15-17, 2002, (eds) K. Singh and S.S. Bhoga (Nagpur Univ., Nagpur, 2002) p.58-61.
  9. Thermoelectric power and battery discharge characteristic studies on a new Ag+ ion conducting 2-phase composite electrolyte system: 0.9[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: 0.1ZrO2.R.C. Agrawal, Mohan L. Verma, R.K. Gupta, S. Thaker, in “Ion Conducting Materials: Theory and Application” (eds) A.R. Kulkarni and P. Gopalan (Narosa Pub. House, New Delhi, 2001) p.220-224.  Link
  10. Solid state battery discharge characteristic studies on a new Ag+ ion conducting glass system: 0.7[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: 0.3[Ag2O:{0.7B2O3:0.3MoO3}]. R.C. Agrawal, M.L. Verma, R.K. Gupta, R. Kumar, in “Ion Conducting Materials: Theory and Application” (eds) A.R. Kulkarni and P. Gopalan (Narosa Pub. House, New Delhi, 2001) p.176-179. Link
  11. Thermoelectric power and battery discharge characteristic studies on a new silver ion conducting composite electrolyte system. R. C. Agrawal, Mohan L. Verma, R. K. Gupta, S. Thaker, in “Solid State Ionics–Science & Technology” (eds.) B.V.R. Chowdari, K. Lal, S.A. Agnihotry, N. Khare, S. S. Sekhon, P. C. Srivastava & S. Chandra (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998)  p. 465-469.
  12. Estimation of mobile ion concentration in some silver ion conducting solid electrolyte systems by dc polarization/ depolarization studies. R.C. Agrawal, Mohan L. Verma, R. K. Gupta, R. Kumar, M. L. Verma, S. K. Pandey, in “Solid State Ionics–Science & Technology” (eds.) B.V.R. Chowdari, K. Lal, S.A. Agnihotry, N. Khare, S. S. Sekhon, P. C. Srivastava & S. Chandra (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998) p.127-131.
  13. Transport property studies on Ag+ ion conducting composite electrolyte system (1-x)AgI: xSnO2. R.K. Gupta, R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Pandey, in “Solid State Ionics–New Developments” (eds.) B.V.R. Chowdari, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake and M.A. Careem (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p. 499-504. DOI: 10.1142/3366
  14. Thermoelectric power study on a new Ag+ ion conducting composite electrolyte system: 0.8[0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl]: 0.2SnO2. M. Saleem, R.K. Gupta, R.C. Agrawal, in “Solid State Ionics–New Developments” (eds.) B.V.R. Chowdari, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake and M.A. Careem (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p. 487-491. DOI: 10.1142/3366
  15. Ionic drift velocity and mobility measurement on a quenched [0.75AgI: 0.25AgCl] mixed system or solid solution. R.C. Agrawal, R.K. Gupta, R.K. Pandey, in “Solid State Ionics – New Developments” (eds.) B.V.R. Chowdari, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake and M.A. Careem (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p. 481-486. DOI: 10.1142/3366
  16. Solid state battery using all halide glassy electrolytes: 0.45AgI: 0.35AgCl: 0.20CsCl. R.C. Agrawal, K. Kathal, R.K. Gupta, M. Saleem, in “Solid State Ionics- Materials and Applications” (eds.) B.V.R. Chowdari, S. Chandra, S. Singh and P.C. Srivastava (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992) p.641-645. DOI: 10.1142/9789814536899
  17. Ag+ mobility in AgI & AgCl by transient ionic current (TIC) technique. R.C. Agrawal, K. Kathal, R. Chandola, R.K. Gupta, A. Kumar, in “Solid State Ionics- Materials and Applications” (eds.) B.V.R. Chowdari, S. Chandra, S. Singh and P.C. Srivastava (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992) p.363-367. DOI: 10.1142/9789814536899

[1] Started the teaching assignment as a lecturer from Aug.’1997, Univ. letter no. 6624/Adm./97 dt. 9/9/1997.

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Solid-State Ionics

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