I am happy to receive consultations from students, faculty and staff by appointment, scheduled…
introduction/brief CV
Dr. Rufaidah Dabbagh is an associate professor and consultant in public health. She has a bachelor's degree in medicine and surgery from King Saud University, and conducted her Master of Public Health (MPH) training at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where she specialized in epidemiology. She also has a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) from University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Dabbagh is experienced in modern epidemiological analytical methods, as well as in health services planning and development. She has served as an advisor to several sectors in the healthcare system in Saudi Arabia, and provided consultation in substance use prevention and control, public health competency development, accreditation and training, population health management, as well as strategic planning for regional public health information governance, collection and research.
She has research interest in several areas such as:
Substance Use prevention and control
Population health management
Women's Health
Health services allocation and assessment
Public health capacity building
Application of modern statistical methods (machine learning) to health needs assessment
areas of expertise
Population Health Management
Epidemiological Methods
Strategic Planning
Substance Use
Population-based Survey Sampling and Planning
Application of Epidemiologic Analysis in SAS, R and SPSS
This is a 4-hour course that is provided to the 3rd year undergraduate medical students. In this course, students learn about the fundamentals in public health and preventive medicine,…
This is a 6-hour course that is provided to undergraduate medical students, during their 3rd year in the MBBS program. It comprises of a series of lectures and practical sessions on research…