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د. ريما حسن سعد بن سعيد

Assistant Professor

كلية ادارة الأعمال / استاذ مساعد, قسم الادارة

كلية إدارة الأعمال
المدينه الجامعية للطالبات بالدرعيه , مبنى 3, مكتب 176
course material

Syllables & vhapters ppt


International Business Management
Lecturer:  Rima BinSaeed
E-mail:  &
Office Hours:  Sun, Tus, & Thr: 10:00-11:00 s( 33683)   \ 11:00- 12:00 s(39134)


Wild, John J. and Kenneth L. International Business: The Challenges of Globalization,7/E.

Course Overview:

We live in a world of intensifying global relationships, one in which international business has become the key determinant of economic development and prosperity. This course is designed to give students a fundamental understanding of the environment in which international business operates and of the business practices required to compete successfully in global markets. A secondary goal for this course is for students to develop the basic decision-making skills associated with managing different aspects of international business. In order to facilitate these goals, students will be exposed to a variety of information and experience through readings in the text, articles on international business, international data bases, business cases, and a group project based on a global business situation.

Instructional Methods:

Class sessions will centre on lecture, cases, exercises, and discussion, but will include self-reflections, activities, and videos. Participants’ questions and engagements are highly welcome, encouraged, and expected.

Participation and Engagement:                                                                            

The course has great interactive elements. I believe that it is our collective efforts that can make the class successful. I also believe it’s “we” not “I” can maximize the learning effectiveness. Therefore, I hope we together build a community in the class in which participants appreciate and learn from each other. Studying textbook and readings before class is highly recommended. I will present textbook material and elaborate its business implications. However, I may not able to cover all the material in the textbook during course lecture. Your study prior to the class will be much helpful for participation and learning effectiveness. You are very welcome to discuss with me for all the course-related issues.

Midterm/ Final Exam and Quizzes:
There will be tow midterms and a final exam in this class. Both exams are going to be in-class, closed-book test. Additionally, there will be tow announced quizzes. The examination may consist of mutable choice, true\ fail, and essay question whish measure the ability to know and apply principle of good management. However, more details about the examinations and format will be discussed in the class.
Important Class Policy:
There will be no make-up exam for quizzes. However, there will be one make-up exam for the midterm, for those who provide physical evident of special circumstances, make-up exam will be held on ( 23/4/2015) covered all the chapters discussed in this semester.
2X  Midterm                           40 points
2X Quizzes                            10 points
1 Homework                           5 points
Attendance & participation    5 points
Final                                        40 points
Total                                       100
Course Syllabus:

Week Part Chapter  Topics
1 Global Business Environment 1- Globalisation A Global Mindset; The Global Business Environment; Globalization; Forces Driving Globalization; The Backlash Against Globalization; Key Players in International Business
2 National Business Environment 2- Cross-cultural Business What is Culture? Components of Culture; Classifying Cultures.
3   3-Politics, Low, & B-Ethics Political Systems; Political Risk; Legal Systems; Global Legal Issues; Business and International Relations.
4 International Trade and Investment 7- FDI Patterns of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); Explanations for FDI; Managing Issues in the FDI Decision; Government Intervention in FDI; Government Policy Instruments and FDI
5   6. Business-Government Trade Relations
Describe the political, economic, and cultural motives behind governmental intervention in trade , List and explain the methods governments use to promote international trade
6   8-Regional Economic Integration What is Regional Economic Integration?
Effects of Regional Economic Integration; Integration in Europe; Integration in the Americas; Integration in Asia; Integration in the Middle East and Africa.
7 The international Financial System 9-International Financial Market International Capital Market; Main Components of the International Capital Market; Foreign Exchange Market; How the Foreign Exchange Market Works; Foreign Exchange Market Today; Currency Convertibility.
  8   10- International Monetary System. How Exchange Rates Influence Business Activities; What Factors Determine Exchange Rates? Forecasting Exchange Rates; Evolution of the International Monetary System; European Monetary System.
9 International Business Management 12-Analysing International Opportunity Screening Potential Markets and Sites; Conducting International Research.
10   13- Selecting & Managing Entry Mood Exporting, Importing and Countertrade; Contractual Entry Modes; Investment Entry Modes; Strategic Factors in Selecting an Entry Mode.
11   14-Developing and Marketing Products Globalization and Marketing; Developing Product Strategies; Creating Promotional Strategies; Designing Distribution Strategies; Developing Pricing Strategies.