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ريم ابراهيم صالح العرف


محاضر. كلية التمريض. قسم تمريض الأمومة والطفولة

كلية التمريض
مبنى 12 , الدور الثالث . مكتب 74

363 NUR

A major objective of this course is to develop the student’s clinical competencies in the areas of maternity, newborn and critical cases in Pediatric Nursing. The focus will be on mother and child experiencing varying degree of stress who is admitted to hospital. All component of the nursing process are utilized with the patient and his/her families. Students are given the opportunity to practice on actual patient under direct supervision and demonstrate proficiency in achieving the course objectives

Lowdermilk D, Perry S, Bobac I. Maternity and Women’s health care.6th edition Mosby company.1997

course attachements