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كلية الأمير سلطان بن عبدالعزيز للخدمات الطبية الطارئة
كلية الأمير سلطان بن عبدالعزيز الدور الرابع المكتب الرابع

321 EMS

Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz College for Emergency Medical Services
King Saud University
Course Syllabus - EMS 321 Trauma Emergencies in EMS
Academic term- 2nd semester 2013-14 (1434-35)
This course will introduce the student to mechanisms of trauma and trauma systems. This will prepare the students to properly assess and manage various types of traumatic injuries, forms of shock (in terms of mechanisms and causes) and traumatic cardio-pulmonary arrest. This will also cover assessment and management of head trauma, facial and neck trauma, spinal trauma, thoracic trauma, abdominal trauma and shock trauma resuscitation.
During this course the student will also prepare to be a Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support provider.
Course Code
Course Title
Total Credits
EMS 321
Trauma Emergencies in EMS
Indented Learning Outcomes (Objectives):
On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
 Discuss the mechanism of injury, assessment and management of head and facial trauma.
 Summarize pre-hospital evaluation, assessment and management of spinal trauma and be able to distinguish between spinal shock, neurogenic shock and autonomic hyper-reflexia and their treatment.
 Describe pre-hospital evaluation, assessment and management of thoracic trauma, abdominal trauma and be able to outline the mechanism of injury, signs and symptoms and treatment of esophageal and tracheobronchial injury and diaphragm rupture.
 Describe pre-hospital evaluation, assessment and management of the different types of musculoskeletal trauma.
 Integrate the principles of kinematics to enhance the patient assessment and predict the likelihood of injuries based on the patient’s mechanism of injury.
 Identify role of each component of trauma systems.
 Integrate pathophysiological principles and assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for the patient with shock or hemorrhage.
 Integrate pathophysiological principles and the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for the patient with soft tissue trauma and burns.
EMS 321 Trauma Emergencies in EMS
Academic term- 2nd semester 2013-14 (1434-35)
 Relate the comprehensive knowledge of the causes and pathophysiology into the management of shock, respiratory failure or arrest with an emphasis on early intervention to prevent arrest.
 Demonstrate proficiency in assessment and management of a patient with traumatic injury with an emphasis on early intervention to prevent shock and arrest.
 Display professional attributes and value the emotions of trauma, disability and death.
Weekly Schedule:
(A) Sunday
(A) Monday
(B) Sunday
(B) Monday
10:00 – 12:00
10:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 15:00
08:00 – 10:00
(A) Tuesday
(A) Wednesday
(B) Tuesday
(B) Wednesday
10:00 – 12:00
08:00 – 10:00
08:00 – 10:00
10:00 – 12:00
Faculty members
Dr. William J. Leggio, Jr.
Contact details of faculty
Recommended text: Mosby Paramedic Textbook Additional Readings: Will be assigned and electronically distributed by instructor.
References: PHTLS text book
Medical and Trauma case studies for paramedics
Education Methodologies:
 Interactive Lectures
 Student presentations
 Simulated Learning
 Mock drills
 Role plays
 Group Discussions
 Self-Directed learning  Animations, Illustrations, graphics and Cartoons etc.
Methods of evaluation:
 Practical 20%
 Quiz Average 20%
 Midterm 20%
 Final written exam 40%
EMS 321 Trauma Emergencies in EMS
Academic term- 2nd semester 2013-14 (1434-35)
Week #
Topics and activities
Jan 26 – 30
Lecture: Trauma Overview Practical: To be discussed
Feb 2 – 6
Lecture: Trauma Overview, Mechanism of Injury and Kinematics Practical: Introduction to National Registry (NR) Trauma Assessment
9 – 13
Lecture: Kinematics Practical: NR Trauma Assessment
16 – 20
Lecture: Bleeding and Soft Tissue Practical: Soft Tissue Injuries & NR Bleeding Shock and Control
23 – 27
Lecture: Shock and Resuscitation Practical: NR Trauma Assessment and NR Bleeding Shock and Control
March 1 - 6
Lecture: Shock and Resuscitation Practical: NR Trauma Assessment, NR Bleeding Shock and Control & Fluids
9 – 13
Lecture: Burns Practical: NR Trauma Assessment - Burn Patients
16 – 20
Mid-Term Test – Discussed in week 5 Practical: None
30 – April 3
Lecture: Head, Face, and Neck Trauma Practical: NR Trauma Assessment - Burn Patients
6 – 10
Lecture: Head, Face, and Neck Trauma Practical: NR Trauma Assessment, Head Face and Neck Trauma
13 – 17
Lecture: Spine and Nervous System Trauma Practical: NR Supine and Sitting Spinal Immobilization, Inline intubation
20 – 24
Lecture: Chest Trauma Practical: NR Supine and Sitting Spinal Immobilization, Inline intubation
27 – May 1
Lecture: Chest Trauma Practical: NR Trauma Assessment – Chest Trauma, Needle Decompression
4 - 8
Lecture: Abdominal Trauma Practical: NR Trauma Assessment – Chest / ABD Trauma, Needle Decompression
11 - 15
Lecture: Abdominal Trauma Practical: NR Trauma Assessment – ABD Trauma
18 - 22
Lecture: Orthopedic Trauma and Environmental Conditions Practical: NR Joint and Long Bone Immobilization & Traction Splinting
FINAL WRITTEN EXAM – To be discussed in week 14 Practical: To be discussed in week 14

course attachements