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Dr. Reham Othman Alabduljabbar د. رهام بنت عثمان العبدالجبار

Associate Professor

Information Technology Department

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Office# 65, Third Floor, Building 6, Dariyah Campus

IT 560- Social Computing

Social networking platforms and other online interaction and content generation mediums have introduced a powerful tool for people to communicate and exchange information. Social computing lies at the intersection of computational systems and social behavior. This course aims to develop a broad understanding of the current state of online social systems. It discusses how and why social computing works, the real-world opportunities and challenges in current social computing systems. Moreover, it introduces methods for analyzing and understanding how people use social computing technologies and their societal implications. The course will also introduce students to the science and social science of network analysis. Through real world examples, including analysis of their own social networks.

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