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راشد بن حمد محمد الراشد


عضو هيئة تدريس - قسم الباطنة

كلية الطب
Collage of medicine , 2nd floor

441 MED

This Course is a part of a clinical rotation. It is a full time clinical clerkship for 12 weeks (preparing for internship in Medicine). Students attend bedside clinical sessions, clinical tutorials, work as sub-interns in the Department of Medicine, attend the emergency room and assist in various procedures.Internal Medicine Practice
Study year: fifth year students.
Course description:  teaching sub-inters practically in daily rounds demonstration approach to different medical problems, history, physical examination and laboratory tests.  Systems involved: CTU, cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, nephrology, endocrinology, rheumatology, and hematology.
Duration: The course is over 12 weeks.

IS COMPOSED OF 45 QUESTIONS OF TRUE OR FALSE ANS 15 QUESTIONS OF SINGLE BEST , each question is required to have five stems, setting the questions in a standard form, 5 statements a to e. There shall be 1 mark to be awarded for each correct statement answered in True or False questions (i.e. 1 x 5 = 5) and 5 full marks on every correct answer in the Single Best questions. There is no negative marking in the written exam. Students are advice to answer all the questions and make sure to submit the answer sheets with out any empty space.
Students will be marked on his/her ability to take history and perform a physical examination of all the systems taking into consideration that this is their first clinical exam. On both occasions, examiners do not expect the students to know the diagnosis or differential diagnosis of patients. Students are not expected yet to know the management approach.

Credits: 11
Suggested reference: 
Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine
Examination Medicine: A Guide to Physician Training, 6ed
(Nicholas J. Talley, Simon O’Connor).