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Raniah I. AL-Jadeed


Teaching Assistant, Clinical Pharmacy Department

كلية الصيدلة
Builiding 8, Floor 3, Office NO 40

PHCL 326


Course Description and Prerequisites


The role of pharmacists is becoming increasingly patient-oriented. Therefore, is not uncommon for patients to have pharmacists solely providing focused medical care during a specified time frame. Pharmacists functioning in this role may need to utilize assessment skills, including those of primary care patient interviews and physical examinations. This course will cover approaches to patient assessment in the pharmacy. It also will cover how pharmacists can use the patient interview and the physical examination to improve patient care 

Prerequisite: PHCL 311 Pharmacy Practice


Course Objectives:


Describe the basic role and responsibilities of a pharmacist in patient care setting

1. Effectively communicate with patients, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. In particular, student should be able to:

a. Counsel patients verbally.

            d. knowing  patient case component

2. Familiarize oneself with patient data base in order to:

a. Identify essential elements of a patient data base/chart

b. Create a patient-specific data base for a selected patient

c. Describe the location of a selected patient datum in a patient data base

3. Demonstrate sufficient skills to:

a. Conduct and document complete medication histories.

b. Conduct and interpret vital sign measurements.

c. Interpret physical assessment results.

d. Interpret clinical significance of common laboratory tests.

e. lab results according to patient specifics.

f. Provide education for selected home monitoring devices.

i. Device a monitoring plan to evaluate the status of the patient and progress towards achieving desired outcomes. 

course attachements