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Dr. Nasser Yazid AlOhaly ناصر يزيد العوهلي

Teacher's Assistant of Neurosurgery / معيد جراحة المخ و الأعصاب


451 Surg

Surgical Course 451
1) Presentation & management of intracranial tumors & infections
1. Clinical symptoms and signs of intracranial space-occupying lesions.
2. Investigation methods for patients with suspected intracranial space-occupying lesions.
3. Common types of intracranial space-occupying lesions:
a. Neuroepithelial brain tumors (Gliomas)
b. Meningeal tumors
c. Pituitary tumors
d. Neurinomas
e. Metastases
f. Infective intracranial space-occupying lesions:
i. Brain abscess
ii. Intracranial tuberculoma
4. Priorities of management in patients intracranial space-occupying lesions.
2) Presentation & management of patients with head injury
1. Types & classification of head Injury.
2. Indications for admission of patients to the hospital.
3. Early detection of brain herniation signs.
4. Priorities of management in head injuries.

3) Presentation & management of spinal cord lesions
1.Clinical symptoms and signs of spinal cord compression.
2.Interpret & Correlate radiological in the clinical findings.
3.Awareness of various types of investigations in spinal cord compression.
4.Urgency of treatment of spinal cord compression.


1) Presentation & Management of spinal cord lesions
a. How to detect clinical signs of spinal cord compression.
b. Interpret & Correlate radiological in the clinical findings.
c. Awareness of various types of investigations in spinal cord compression.
d. Urgency of treatment of spinal cord compression.

2) Presentation & Management of Patients with Head Injury
a. Types & Classification of Head Injury.
b. Indications for admission of patients to the hospital.
c. Early detection of brain herniation signs
d. Priorities of Management in head injuries.

course attachements