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عبدالله سليمان الخراشي

استاذ مساعد – كلية الطب – جامعة الملك سعود


Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus


(a)       Lectures


Topic (lectures)

Time allowed

1.         Applied Anatomy and Physiology

1 hour

2.         Lid and Lacrimal System Problems

1 hour

3.         Red Eye and Ocular Emergencies

2 hours

4.         Strabismus, Amblyopia & Leukocoria

2 hours

5.         Errors of Refraction

1 hour

6.         Eya & Systemic Diseases

2 hours

7.       Neuro-ophthalmology

1 hour

8.        Ocular Pharmacology, Drug Toxicity 2 hours
9.        Acute Visual loss 1 hour
10.      Chronic Visual loss 1 hour


(b)       Clinical Skills


1.         External Ocular Examination, Ocular motility & alignment

3 hours

2.         Visual Acuity & Ophthalmoloscopy

3 hours

3.         Visual Field, Tonometry & Pupil Examination

3 hours


course attachements