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Dr. MAHMOUD M. ELWAHEIDI د. محمود محمد الوحيدي

Associate Professor

Environmental & Engineering Geophysics (including atmospheric geophysics)

كلية العلوم
P.O.Box 2455, Riyadh 11451 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Associate professor in applied geophysics. Holding a Ph.D. in Environmental & Engineering Geophysics since 1994. Academic and research experience:
- Jordan: Jordan University as a TA (1988-1990) and Yarmouk University as an assistant professor (1997-2000)
- Italy: the University of Genova as a TA (1991-1994).
CV Text

Dr. Mahmoud M. ELWAHEIDI
King Saud University – Geology & Geophysics Department
Riyadh - KSA /

Research profiles:  
  Google Scholar:

Personal Information  

  • Nationality: Italian
  • Marital Status: Married (3 children)

Education              11/1994: Universita’ degli Studi Di Genova, Genova-Italy
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
1/1990: University of Jordan - Amman, Jordan
Master of Science (M.Sc.) - Applied Geophysics
1/1987: University of Yarmouk - Irbid, Jordan
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Earth and Environmental Sciences
Work Experience   2012 – present: King Saud University- Riyadh/ KSA

Associate Professor in Environmental & Engineering Geophysics

  • Teaching courses in the fields of applied geophysics and environmental & engineering Geophysics. 
  • Supervising Master Students
  • Conducting research
  • Member of several academic and administrative committees

2000 – 2011: The Hashemite University- Zarqa  
Researcher (part-time)

  • A project funded by the Jordanian Higher Council for Science and Technology, and conducted with the cooperation of the Land and Water Institute in the Hashemiyya University. Topic: Geochemical and Geophysical study of the Ruseifa Landfill for groundwater quality evaluation.
  • A project conducted for the purposes of studying lava tubes in the eastern part of Jordan.
  • Several other exploration projects for engineering, environmental and archaeological purposes.   

Academic coordinator: Italian Embassy- Amman

  • coordinate academic affairs
  • follow up students affairs
  • Translation: working languages include Arabic, English, and Italian.

1997 – 2000: Yarmouk University - Irbid
Assistant professor in Applied Geophysics

  • Teaching B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses in the fields of geology, environmental geology, applied geophysics, and environmental & engineering Geophysics. 
  • Co Supervising Master Students
  • Member of several M.Sc. discussion committees
  • Conducting research

1996 – 1997: Geophysical Services Centre - Amman
Senior Geophysicist

  • Conducting training courses in the fields of Environment and applied geophysics for employees of the Jordanian Natural Resources Authority (N.R.A.)
  • Conducting training courses in the fields of Environment and applied geology for employees of the Jordanian Ministry of Water.
  • Supervising several exploration projects; including Artificial Water Recharge; funded by the U.S. AIDS for the account the Jordanian Ministry of water.  
  • Research and specialized software development.
  • Processing and Interpretation of geophysical data for the purposes of oil explorations in Jordan.




  • Saleh S. AL ARNI, Mahmoud M. ELWAHEIDI, 2020. Concise Handbook of Waste treatment Technologies. Taylor & Francis
  • Mahmoud M. ELWAHEIDI, 2014 (Translation into Arabic). EARTH: An Introduction to Physical Geology. Tenth edition, by: J. Tarbuck, F. K. Lutgens. Published by Pearson Publishers.


  • Mahmoud M. ELWAHEIDI,  2020. Scientific Challenges for a Rigorous Interpretation of the Phenomenon of Global Warming: Review article. Journal of Geology and Geoscience.
  •  MAHMOUD ELWAHEIDI, H. GHREFATY. NAZZAL, A. BATAYNEH, T. ZUMLOT, 2016, Integrated application of geoelectrical techniques for structural investigations: a case study of Wadi Marsad Graben, Jordan.  Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9(6):1-17· DOI: 10.1007/s12517-016-2466-y


  • T. ZUMLOT , A. BATAYNEH , H. ZAMAN , H. GHREFAT , S. MOGREN , Y.  NAZZAL , E. ELAWADI, and Mahmoud ELWAHEIDI, 2016. Statistical Analysis of Different Chemical Elements in Groundwater of Northwestern Saudi Arabia. Journal Geological Society of India, Vol.87, April 2016.



-2015 –


  • Ibrahim M. Bahkaly, ELWAHEIDI M. Mahmoud, Chokri Jallouli, Awni Batayneh, 2015. Assessment of Shallow Aquifer Salinity in the Aqaba Coastal Plain Using ERT Method: A case study  of Maqna Region, Northwestern Saudi Arabia. Environ Earth Sci (2015) 74:2105–2114. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4195-z.
  •  Yousef Habous Nazzal, Nassir SN Al-Arifi, Muhammad Kamran Jafri, Hossam Kishawy, Habes A Ghrefat, Mahmoud M El-Waheidi, Awni T Batayneh, Taisser A Zumlot, 2015. Study the urban soils contamination by heavy metals for selected industrial locations in the Greater Toronto area, Canada, using multivariate statistical analysis. Geologia Croatica, 68, 2, 147-159.


-2014 -


  • Awni T. Batayneh, Taisser Zumlot, Habes Ghrefat, Mahmud M. El-Waheidi, Yousef Nazzal, 2014. The use of ground penetrating radar for mapping rock stratigraphy and tectonics: Implications for geotechnical engineering. Journal of Earth Science, 25, 5, 895-900
  •  Yousef Nazzal, Izrar Ahmed, Nassir S. N. Al-Arifi, Mahmud M. El-Waheidi, 2014. A pragmatic approach to study the groundwater quality suitability for domestic and agricultural usage, Saq aquifer, northwest of Saudi Arabia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-014-3728-3.
  •  Awni T. Batayneh, Habes Ghrefat Taisir Zumlot Eslam Elawadi Saad Mogren Haider Zaman Ahmed A. Al-Taani Yousef Nazzal and Mahmoud Elwahaidi, 2014. Assessing of Metals and Metalloids in Surface Sediments along the Gulf of Aqaba Coast, Northwestern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Coastal Researc h. DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-13-00143.1.


- PRE 2013 -


Research Projects

  • Studying the rifting history of the Red Sea at the Arabian Shield margin using geophysical data (NSTIP funded project), 2014. Just approved.  
  • Groundwater vulnerability in Saq aqufer, KSA (NSTIP funded project), 2013. Ongoing.  
  • Distribution of water recharge areas and deterioration of groundwater resources in the Midyan basin, NW KSA (NSTIP funded project), 2012. Almost completed (March, 2014).  
  • Evaluation of the Ruseifa Municipal Landfill Effects on Groundwater Aquifer using Geochemical and Geophysical Methods (Funded by Jordanian Higher Council for Science and Technology), 2006. Completed.  
  • Groundwater Artificial Recharge project (Funded by the U.S. AIDS), 1996. Completed.  

Additional Activities

  • Committee member Master thesis: Seismic refraction and geoelectrical survey for geological and engineering explorations – Al Naima Area/Jordan, 1998  
  • Committee member Master Thesis: Integrated geoelectrical methods to study the environmental impact of the closed part of Ruseifa landfill, 1999.   
  • Committee member Master Thesis: Application of geophysical studies for engineering purposes: dam site investigation in Sailoukah area/Sudan, 2000.
  • Committee member Master Thesis: Application of geophysical Electromagnetic and Geoelectrical methods for determining lava tubes characteristics /North East Jordan, 2006:  
  • Translation of the book: “EARTH: An Introduction to Physical Geology”. Tenth edition, by: J. Tarbuck, F. K. Lutgens. Published by Pearson Publishers, 2011.   


  • Member of the Saudi Society for Geosciences 
  • Member of the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
  • Member of Society of Exploration Geophysicists (USA)
  • Member of the Jordanian Geologists  Association
  • Reviewer for the following international journals:
    • Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 
    • Journal of Water Resource and Protection
    • British Journal of Applied Science & Technology  

Conferences and Specialized Courses 

  • 2nd Saudi International Water Technology Conference 2014, 23rd - 25th February, 2014 – Riyadh, KSA.
  • 5TH International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environment (ICWRAE), 7-9 January, 2013 – Riyadh, KSA.
  • The International Conference on Environmental Performance of Tourist Accommodation Sector in Euro-Med Countries (CEPTA), Petra, Jordan. July 2nd - 4th, 2008.
  • Italian Geological Conference: several editions.
  • Jordanian Geological Conference: several editions.
  • Specialized course on Geological Applications of Statistical methods organized by the Italian National Institute for Scientific Research, 1994.

Additional Information

  • I.C.D.L. UNESCO certificate.
  • Excellent translation capabilities: Certified translator –English/Italian/Arabic- by Arab Professional Translators Association (APTA) and Jordanian Department of Press and Publications
  • Excellent computer and Internet skills, including: MS Office Package for both PC and Macintosh; Desktop publishing and graphic manipulation packages; AutoCad, geological software packages; internet search, FTP, live conferencing etc.
  • Languages: Arabic (Native), English and Italian (both fluent)

 References            Available upon request.

 Teaching Interests
Based on my own academic background, I can teach the following courses:

  • Principles of Applied Geophysics
  • Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
  • Seismic Exploration Methods
  • Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods
  • Radiometric & Geothermal methods
  • Geophysics Research Project
  • Environmental Geology
  • Introduction to Earth Sciences
  • General Geology
      Teaching Strategy
      My teaching strategy is based on facilitating the perception of knowledge by encouraging students to ask questions and seek answers. I do my best to encourage thinking in rational ways. I particularly emphasize learning by thinking about directions and trends rather than memorization. When discussing questions, mistakes are treated as opportunities to find out misconceptions, not as a reflection of a student's abilities.
      I also consider the feedback from students as a vital issue in the whole process of teaching; it highly contributes in finding the most effective ways to help students and overcoming problems.
      Furthermore, personal contact with students is essential to my approach. I emphasize my availability for informal discussion and my willingness to help them overcome problems.