427 chem
Course Description:
List of Topics:
- Introduction to Industrial Chemistry.
- Unit operations and unit processes.
- Water quality; water treatment; wastewater treatment; desalination of seawater and water pollution.
- Metallurgy: Ore dressing; magnetic and floatation separation; Pyro-metallurgy; extraction of iron, lead, chromium. Hydrometallurgy: extraction of gold, silver and mercury. Electro-metallurgy: extraction of aluminum, and sodium. Ultra-purification of metals, Electro-refining, chemical refining and alloys.
- Ceramics and composites: Processing of ceramic and application; superconducting ceramics; glass and quartz industry.
- Cement.
- Extraction of elements for semiconductors, ultrapure silicon, phosphorus arsenic .
- Industries of sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid.
- Inorganic fertilizers, detergent and household cleaning industries.
-Field trips for the local industrial companies.