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نايف سعيد فنيس

Assistant Professor

أستاذ مساعد واستشاري جراحة أورام الرأس والعنق وجراحات الترميم المجهرية المتقدمة | استشاري جراحة تجميل الوجه وتأهيل العصب السابع

كلية الطب
مستشفى الملك خالد الجامعي وكلية الطب
course material

ORL 431 Guide


It is a well structured curriculum in its both parts; the theoretical and the practical one. The former part depends on interactive lectures regarding the principles of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) common problems with best approaches towards diagnosis and treatment. The latter one helps in translation of theoretical knowledge and develops well systematic clinical history and examination skills. It gives the students good exposure and active participation in different types of ENT surgeries. This course also strengthens what the students have already studied in major principles of Surgery and stresses on the ethics and professionalism in Doctor-Patients relationship.