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Dr. Naif Abdullah Bindayel

Associate Professor

Dean, College of Dentistry, PSAU

كلية طب الأسنان
2B 25

Clinical Orthodontics

The course is given over a period of 15 weeks in the 1st semester. In each week, a group of students will be presented with a lecture, while other will attend a problem-based tutorial sessions. Lectures are focused on orthodontics subjects, such as, diagnosis and treatment planning, early orthodontic treatment, management of A-P skeletal problems, orthodontic treatment of cleft lip and palate patient.

During the tutorial sessions, students will participate in the analysis of given orthodontic cases following the problem-based approach. This method of learning involves an active participation of the students in their learning through generating hypotheses to explain the problems under discussion, contributing resources and knowledge to the group, and demonstrating the ability to understand and apply the available evidence to analyze the case.

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