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مالك مجلي عبدالله نصار

مدرس لغة قسم العلوم الادارية والانسانية


English 2 1102


King Saud University

College of Applied Studies &Community Services

 Department: Administrative & humanities Sciences


Course Syllabus


Course code:  1102

Course Title: English (2)

Course prerequisite: Engl  1101

Course Level: pre-intermediate

Credit hours:  9 hours







Academic Staff Specifics



E-mail Address

Office Hours

Office Number and Location



09-10 AM (daily)

12-02 PM




Malik Nassar




Course/ module description:


This course aims at consolidating and extending students' knowledge of English Language and providing them with reasonable skills necessary for communication in both verbal and written English up to the intermediate level, by promoting its use in reading, writing, listening and speaking, for general and study purposes. By the end of the course, students are expected to to use English in all kinds of situations, build vocabulary, listen actively and respond properly, discuss a variety of topics in English, read for meaning, communicate in writing, and speak clearly and properly. Throughout the course, students are given a wide range of university-level topics and specific skills required for academic reading including skimming, scanning, intensive reading, topic sentences and prediction. In addition, the course is supported with writing  tasks that tackle different academic text types, strategies to help students deal with unknown words and organize, record, vary, and build their vocabulary. Moreover, students are guided in writing skills, including such features as planning, coherence, cohesion, and checking writing assignments.



Course/ module objectives:


1 .       Develop reading skills and strategies (skimming, scanning, recognizing context                clues, understanding affixes etc.).

2 . Read short scientific texts and recognize the basic word structure.

  1. 3.       Use an English/ English dictionary with emphasis.

  2. 4.       Revise the key structures taught earlier and compose different types of simple sentence.

  3. 5.       Practice writing notes and outlines on reading material.

6.  Write short informal and formal letters e.g. letter of complaint, placing an order, … etc.    7. Understand and use Basic English for everyday situations.

  1. 8.    Ask for information using different notions.

  2. 9.    Communicate reasonably: converse with strangers, greet people, ask for repetition,    apologize, tell the time, describe feelings and emotions.

    1. 10.   Produce orally and in writing correct meaningful utterances.

    2. 11.   Emphasize the key structures taught before and required to compose well-formed simple sentences.

    3. 12.    Fill out application forms.


Course/ module components


  • Books (title , author (s), publisher, year of publication)


Soars, John & Lynn.  New Headways Plus, Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book.  Oxford: Oxford University Press (2011). 


Soars, John & Lynn.  New Headways Plus, Pre-Intermediate Class Workbook without Key.  Oxford: Oxford University Press (2011). 


Philpot, Sarah.  New Headway Academic Skills: Reading, Writing, and Study Skills.  Oxford: Oxford University Press (2010). 


  • Support material (s) (Journals, publications, etc).


-  Grammar Dimensions: Form, meaning and use. Book 2 Larsen-Freeman (Heinle & Heinle, 2000)

- Tapestry Listening & Speaking, Book 3. K Carlisi, S Christie (Heinle & IIcinle, 2000)



-       Functional English: A Saudi Arabian Hospital Context. Upper Intermediate. Mokhtar Aftat (1999).

-        Tapestry Writing, Book 3. M Pike-Baky. L Blass (Heinle & Heinle, 2000).

-      Dictionaries: Oxford Word Power


  • Study guide (s) (if applicable)

  • Homework and laboratory guide (s) if (applicable).



                                                 Teaching methods:

Lectures, discussion groups, tutorials, problem solving, debates, etc.


Learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge and understanding

           1 .   Develop reading skills and strategies (skimming, scanning, recognizing context                clues, understanding affixes etc.).

           2 . Read short scientific texts and recognize the basic word structure.

  1. Use an English/ English dictionary with emphasis.

  2. Revise the key structures taught earlier and compose different types of simple sentence.

  3. Practice writing notes and outlines on reading material.         

6.  Write short informal and formal letters e.g. letter of complaint, placing an order, … etc.

        7. Understand and use Basic English for everyday situations.

  1. 8.         Ask for information using different notions.

  2. 9.       Communicate reasonably: converse with strangers, greet people, ask for repetition,    apologize, tell the time, describe feelings and emotions.

    1. 10.      Produce orally and in writing correct meaningful utterances.

    2. 11.      Emphasize the key structures taught before and required to compose well-formed simple sentences.

    3. 12.      Fill out application forms.

    4. 13.      Develop general lexical skills.

    5. 14.      Expand general listening/ speaking skills.

    6. 15.    Focus on tenses


  • Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis).


  1. 1.       The ability to analyse, study and understand the course topics.


  1.  The ability to identify a writer’s purpose (showing cause and effect/comparing and     contrasting/to persuade)

3. The ability to summarize the main ideas and supporting details of a written text.

4.  The ability to understand most aspects of a range of conversations on topics of interest.

5. The ability to establish and maintain social contact by using language appropriate to the context in common social situations including conducting formal and informal phone conversations, making and responding appropriately to requests, suggestions, invitations and apologies, carrying out regular transactions in public places like shops, offices, hotels, banks, hospitals, etc.

      6. The ability to select appropriate vocabulary to talk about feelings, opinions and experiences.

      7. The ability to recognize, understand and use a number of phrasal verbs and collocations.

      8. The ability to construct a range of text types including email, descriptive, biographical,            

narrative and discursive texts using a single paragraph.



  • Communication skills (personal and academic).


-       Respecting the professor by the students during and after the lecture.

-       The student's adaptation of himself to working  with his colleagues on the course.

-       Student's ability to cooperate and work collectively  with his colleagues as well as respecting their points of view.

-       Development of mental abilities of the student to organize his time and his ability to concentrate, comprehend, and memorize of the course.

-       Self-learning by doing individual work through the homework that is required from the student and submitting it on time. Students can complete both reading and writing exercises in due time.

-       Students can participate in communicative situations.

-       Students can act responsibly and ethically in carrying out individual as well as group assignments.

-       Students can listen, read, write, and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in the process of language learning.


Assessment instruments.

* Short reports and/ or presentations, and/ or Short research projects

  1. Assignments, attendance, presentations, and participation             30%

  2. Midterm exams                                                                          30%

  3. Final exam                                                                                 40%



Allocation of Marks


Assessment Instruments


First examination


Second examination


Final examination:


Reports, Quizzes, Homework, Projects




Documentation and academic honesty


  • Documentation style (with illustrative examples)





  • Protection by copyright

  • Avoiding plagiarism.







     Course/module academic calendar  





Basic and support material to be covered

Homework/reports and their due dates


Introduction, general English conversations, familiarizing students with the components of the course textbooks and the course exams, and knowing student's English level through exercises and conversations 


UNIT 1: Getting to Know You (NHP)

Grammar: tenses: present, past, future, questions & question words

 Vocabulary:  using a bilingual dictionary, parts of speech, homonyms

 Everyday English: social expressions

Reading: " People, the great communicators"

Speaking: information gap, discussion, roleplay

Listening: neighbours

Writing: informal letters





Unit 2: The way we live (NHP)

Grammar: present tenses: present simple & present continuous, have/have got

Vocabulary: describing countries, collocations

Everyday English: making conversations

Reading:  Living in the USA

Speaking: information gap, & exchanging information

Listening: " what annoys you about people in your life?"

Writing: linking words, describing a person


Unit 1:  International students (AS)

Reading: Going abroad to study, following instructions,  reading methods

Writing: a host family,  checking your writing, writing an informal email

Vocabulary: dictionary work, a dictionary entry, recording vocabulary (1)

Review: p9

Homework (1)

Due on 16/9/2012


Unit 3: It all went wrong (NHP) 

Grammar: past tenses: past simple & past continuous

Vocabulary: irregular Verbs, making connections, nouns, verbs, and adjectives,  making negatives

Everyday English: Time expressions

Reading: 4 comprehension passages

Speaking: telling stories

Listening: an extract from The Three Students

Writing: linking words, writing a story (1)


Unit 2: Where in the world ...? (AS)

Reading: three countries, skimming and scanning

Writing: my country: brainstorming ideas, linking ideas (1), writing a description of my country

Vocabulary: organizing vocabulary (1), synonyms & antonyms,  recording vocabulary (2)

Review: p15, the definite article



Unit 4: Let's go shopping! (NHP)

 Grammar: quantity, much & many, some & any, something, someone, anyone, no one, nobody, & everywhere, a few, a little, & a lot of, articles

Vocabulary: buying things

Everyday English: prices and shopping

Reading :  markets around the world

Speaking:  survey and discussion

Listening: buying things – conversations in shops

Writing: filling in forms


Unit 3: Newspaper articles (AS)

Reading: an unexpected journey, predicting content, meaning from context

Writing: mistaken identity, sentences/paragraphs, varying the structure, writing an article

Vocabulary: word-building: antonyms from prefixes

Review: p21

Homework (2)

Due on 30/9/2012


Unit 5: What do you want to do? (NHP)

 Grammar: verb patterns (1), future intentions (going to & will)

Vocabulary: hot verbs

Everyday English: expressing feelings

Reading: Hollywood Kids

Speaking: what are your plans and ambitions? Being a teenager

Listening: you've got a friend

Writing: writing a postcard (1)


Revision for the first midcourse exam

Homework (3)

Due on 15/10/2012


First examination

Unit 6: Tell me! What's it like? (NHP)

 Grammar: what's it like? Comparative and superlative adjectives

Vocabulary: talking about cities, money, synonyms & antonyms

Everyday English: directions

Reading: " a tale of two millionaires"

Speaking: information gap: comparing cities, discussion: the rich and their money

Listening: listening to an interview about living abroad

Writing: relative clauses (1), describing a place


Unit 4: Modern technology (AS)

Reading: innovations, identifying the main message

Writing: technology – good or bad? Organizing ideas (1), linking ideas (2),  writing a discursive essay

Vocabulary: varying vocabulary(1), avoiding repetition (1)

Review: p27



Unit 7: Fame  (NHP)

 Grammar: present perfect & past simple, for & since, tense revision

Vocabulary: past participles, bands & music, adverbs, word pairs

Everyday English: short answers

Reading: celebrity interview

Speaking: mingle, roleplay, project

Listening: an interview with the band Style

Writing: relative clauses (2), writing a biography


Unit 5: Conferences and visits  (AS)

Reading: a conference in Istanbul, purpose and audience (1& 2)

Writing: invitations, using formal expressions, writing a formal email

Vocabulary: word-building: suffixes & prefixes

Review: p33



Unit 8: Do's and don'ts (NHP)

Grammar: have (got) to, should, must

Vocabulary: jobs, travelling abroad, words that go together, compound nouns

Everyday English: at the doctor's

Reading: problem page in a newspaper

Speaking: jobs, discussions, asking questions about places, roleplay, group work

Listening: holidays in January, at the doctor's

Writing: formal letters


Unit 6: Science and our world (AS)

Reading: air pollution, making notes, interpreting meaning

Writing: trends, paraphrasing & summarizing, writing a summary

Vocabulary: words that go together: noun/verb + preposition, using numbers in writing

Review: p39


Homework (4)

Due on 11/11/2012


Unit 9: Going places (NHP)

 Grammar: time and conditional clauses

Vocabulary: hot verbs, hotels

Everyday English: in a hotel

Reading: the world's first megalopolis

Speaking: various discussion

Listening: an interview about life in 2050

Writing: linking words (2)


Unit 7: People: past and present (AS)

Reading: three famous writers, dealing with difficult language and unknown vocabulary

Research: information on the net: using the internet and developing a search plan

Writing: biographies, adding extra information, organizing ideas (2), writing from research

Review: organizing vocabulary (2) and topic vocabulary

Homework (5)

Due on 26/11/2012


Unit 10: Scared to death (NHP)

Grammar: verb patterns (2), infinitives: purpose, what/etc + infinitive, something/etc +infinitive

Vocabulary: shops, describing feelings & situations

Everyday English: exclamations

Reading: two comprehension passages

Speaking: talking about your childhood, describing feelings, and roleplay

Listening: listening to two comprehension passages

Writing: formal & informal letters


Revision for the second midcourse exam



Unit 11: Things that changed the world (NHP)

Grammar: passives

Vocabulary: verbs & past participles, verbs & noun collocations

Everyday English: notices

Reading: a discovery and an invention that changed the world

Speaking: exchanging and discussing information about DNA & Google

Listening: the world's most common habit – chewing gum

Writing: writing a review of a book or a film


Unit 8: The world of  IT (AS)

Reading: Computers, rephrasing & explaining, avoiding repetition (2)

Writing: IT – benefits and drawbacks, linking ideas (3), coherent writing,  writing from notes

Vocabulary: abbreviations (1 & 2)

Research: crediting sources: acknowledging book & website sources

Review: p51

Homework (6)

Due on 10/12/2012


Second examination

Unit 12: Dreams and reality (NHP)

Grammar: second conditional and might

Vocabulary:  phrasal verbs

Everyday English: social expressions (2)

Reading: super volcano

Speaking: giving advice , discussion about surviving a disaster

Listening: two students talk about their future plans

Writing: adverbs, writing a story (2)


Unit 9: Inventions, discoveries,  and processes (AS)

Reading: how things work, intensive reading, linking ideas

Writing: how things are made, the passive voice, clarifying a sequence, writing a description of a process.

Research: reference books: using indexes

Review: word-building (3): compound nouns/adjectives



Unit 13: Earning a living  (NHP)

Grammar: present perfect continuous, present perfect simple versus continuous

Vocabulary: jobs, word formation, adverbs

Everyday English: telephoning

Reading: a funny way to earn a living

Speaking: information gap, discussion, and roleplay

Listening: giving news

Writing: writing letters, common expressions in letters, formal & informal


Unit 10: Travel and tourism (AS)

Reading: international tourism, interpreting data

Vocabulary: varying vocabulary (2),  avoiding repletion (3)

Writing: graphs and bar charts, illustrating data, describing a graph or chart, writing about data

Review: p63

Homework (7)

Due on 23/12/2012


Unit 14: Family ties  (NHP)

Grammar: past perfect, reported statements

Vocabulary: hot verbs

Everyday English: saying goodbye

Reading: two comprehension passages

Speaking: arguments in families, and telling stories

Listening: interviews about families that live abroad

Writing: writing a story (3)





Revision and consolidation for the final exam



Final Examination

Final Examination




NOTICE: This course is assigned two textbooks, namely New Headway Plus (the elementary level) and New Headway Academic Skills (level 1). NHP stands for the former while AS stands for the latter.




Expected workload:


On average students need to spend 2 hours of study and preparation for each 50-minute lecture/tutorial.


Attendance policy:


Absence from lectures and/or tutorials shall not exceed 25%. Students who exceed the 25% limit without a medical or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean of the relevant college/faculty shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of zero for the course. If the excuse is approved by the Dean, the student shall be considered to have withdrawn from the course.






course attachements