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نوف مهدي اليامي

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم
مبنى 5 , الدور 3 , مكتب رقم 146

Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering (ZOO553)

COURSE OBJECTIVES By the time you finish this course, you will have sufficient knowledge in: restriction enzymes, cloning vectors and cloning, construction of genomic, chromosome and cDNA libraries, identifying specific cloned sequences in cDNA and genomic libraries, DNA sequence analysis, applications of genetic engineering, hazards and problems of recombinant DNA technology, and the possible techniques to minimize biohazards.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge about basic concepts of restriction enzymes, their biological roles, and the different areas they are used in biological setting. Understand the use of restriction enzymes in molecular cloning. Have basic understating of how to construct libraries and the reason behind their use. Comprehend the different techniques in sequencing highlighting their strengths and weaknesses Familiarization with the concept of genetic engineering and the issues arising from the field. Ability to present talks and hold a scientific discussion with peers.

TEXTBOOK The majority of the material from this course will be from Campbell’s Biology textbook as well as published scientific literature. Papers are accessible free of change and electronically through the KSU Library. Links to these sources and the PDF files can also be downloaded from Blackboard.