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نوف خضر محمد الشيباني

Associate Professor

أستاذ مساعد

كلية طب الأسنان
GUC, Building 10, 2nd floor, Office no. 6

413 PCS

As provided by the course director,


This course consists of a didactic and clinical component with four credit hours. It will cover:

1. The treatment of different types of periodontal diseases.

2. The interrelation between Periodontic and other dental specialties.

3. Introduction to the surgical approaches in the management of moderate to advanced periodontal diseases

4. Surgical implant procedures and maintenance of implant

5. Communication, Presentation and Writing Skills Development

6. Introduction to evidence based and problem based learning


At the end of this course the student will be able to:

1. Assign diagnosis and prognosis
2. Formulate a comprehensive treatment plan
3. Identify the indications and technique of various periodontal surgical procedures
4. Evaluate the result of the performed periodontal therapy and plan the long-term result.
5. Identify materials and techniques used in periodontal therapy
6. Recognize the role of trauma from occlusion in the etiology of periodontal disease
7. Identify peri-implant structures.
8. Identify the surgical procedures in implant dentistry from a periodontal point of view
9. Demonstrate improved communication, presentation and writing skills by conducting and producing a case report.
10. Distinguish between Evidence based and problem based learning and applies it to the treatment approaches.


This second part will involve the treatment of patients with different types of periodontitis. Upon completion of this part, the student should be able to:

• Discuss the etiology, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning for different types of periodontal conditions including the surgical treatment needed
• Complete treatment of patients with early and severe form of periodontal disease including routine preventive care and non-surgical periodontal treatment as well as accurately interpret and evaluate the results of treatment rendered.
• Discuss basic surgical procedures such as Gingivectomy, periodontal flap surgery, and regenerative procedures.
• Describe new regenerative techniques such as bone regeneration and tissue regeneration.


Students must satisfactorily complete the following minimum requirements:
1. Finish at least six (6) clinical cases:
• One generalized periodontitis case with slight/moderate amount of subgingival calculus or systemic factors
• One generalized periodontitis case with moderate/sever amount of subgingival calculus systemic factors
• One surgical case either e.g. surgical procedure for restorative purpose (crown lengthening) or conventional periodontal surgery (open debridement or modified Widman flap) or implant Fixture placement submitted in a surgical report form.
• Re-evaluation cases (student OWN finished case) WHICH HAS TO BE DONE FOR THE MODERATE AND THE SEVER CASES ONLY (i.e. no gingivitis or early periodontitis)
• One recall and maintenance case (previously treated cases by the student or any of her colleagues)
• Case presentation based on evidence based learning and/or problem based learning
• Any additional case beyond requirement will be considered in your clinical grading as bonus
 The student is NOT ALLOWED to start any case before screening of the case by the COURSE DIRECTOR.
 It is NOT ALLOWED to dismiss or transfer patients from the course to another or from a student to another without the approval of the COURSE DIRECTOR.
 One of the completed cases should be selected by the student for the clinical examination and should be approved by the COURSE DIRECTOR.
 A student is not allowed to start the treatment procedure EXCEPT AFTER SIGNING AND APPROVING THE initial treatment plane by the faculty supervisor.
 Grades will be deducted from the clinical evaluation of the Student who fails to fulfill the above-mentioned items
2. It is expected that the student will perform satisfactorily in both the clinical and the written components of the course
3. Regular and prompt attendance in the clinic.
4. Complete and careful record keeping of all assigned patients.
5. Completion of the clinical requirements.

Final mark will be calculated as follows:


1. Midterm examination 20%
2. Final examination 20%


Routine clinical evaluation 30%
Final Clinical competency exam 20%
Punctuality/Quizzes 10%
TOTAL 100%

Clinical grading will be in the categories of preparation, professionalism, knowledge and management of the patients. Evaluation will be done weekly for the student and recorded on the evaluation forms.

The routine evaluation will be done on all patients under the student's care. Any procedure recorded as complete must be evaluated. Scaling and root planing must be evaluated on a quadrant or sextant basis. It is the STUDENT responsibility to assure that his/her work is being regularly evaluated.

ROUTINE EVALUATION MARKS will be calculated from the clinical evaluation form which a student should submit it with each case treated and make sure that it is graded by his/her instructor (student’s responsibility). This evaluation measures the quality of the work performed by the student during the management of his/her periodontal patients. Marks will be calculated using point system and depends on the case type and procedure as follows:
 Gingivitis case 1 point out of 15
 Slight periodontitis case 1.5 points out of 15
 Moderate periodontitis case 3 points out of 15
 Severe periodontitis case 3 points out of 15
 Re-evaluation after initial therapy of a case 3 points out of 15
 Recall of a finished case treated by student 2 points out of 15
 Periodontal surgery case report 1.5 points out of 15

REQUIREMENT MARKS: When the student successfully finish all the requirements the total marks of the clinical grading can only be considered when each requirement case type passed successfully (at least 60% average on the evaluation form) otherwise, if a student finish a case type with less than 60% evaluation it will not be considered toward the requirement however, the grades will still be counted in the routine evaluation. Accordingly each requirement case will be calculated in accordance with their type as the following:
Example: Student treats a slight periodontitis case (examination, diagnosis, treatment plan and initial therapy, scaling and root planing) and the calculated average of the case from student evaluation form is 80% then the point for this case is:
(80 x 1.5)  100 = 1.2 out of 1.5 points

Clinical Case Presentation (Oral) Exam: The class will be divided into either six or eight groups, according to the number of the students and/or faculty. A faculty member will be in charge of each group. An advanced periodontal case will be assigned to each group and each student should be able to diagnose oral, dental and periodontal diseases. They should also be able to develop a comprehensive treatment plan and treatment alternatives based on the initial knowledge gained from the lectures given during the year and to additional scientific reading (Evidence Based Rational). Finally, They should be able to identify patients with increased risk factors for periodontal disease. Group members should then meet together, discuss their different finding and write one treatment plan that should be submitted as type written bound report. The data given, the treatment plan chosen and the reference used should all be included in the report. The report should be submitted to the faculty supervisor one week before the case presentation. Each case will then be presented in the allocated time of the clinic in a periodontal planning format.

 Report of the case submitted will be graded out of 10. A failing grade will be assigned if the report is inadequate or if it is not handed in 1 week before the presentation

CLINICAL SCALING AND ROOT PLANNING EXAM: it should be performed in any quadrant of the ingoing treated case with at least moderate amount of subgingival calculus and should be approved by the COURSE DIRECTOR. Examination should not be started before informing both the course director and the supervisor. This exam can be done any time during the 2nd semester TWO weeks BEFORE the end of the semester.

SURGICAL PROCEDURE REPORT: is evaluated on preparation, knowledge and pre-prepared report which includes type of surgery, step-by-step procedure and advantages and disadvantages (type written) of the procedure in addition to pre and post surgical radiographs and photographs. ALL PHOTOGRAPHS AND RADIOGHRAPHS SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED AND SUBMITTED ON A FLASH WITH THE REPORT TWO WEEKS AFTER SURGICAL PERFORMANCE.

The final marks account 40% of the total marks of the course and it is distributed as follows:

 Routine evaluation 15%
 Requirement 15%
 Punctuality/Quizzes 10%


* Marks will be deducted from the daily evaluation marks of the student who shows improper management of the case, repeated ignorance to instructions, irreversible damage, and improper behavior with patients and/or clinical instructors.

• Student’s Behavior, Punctuality, Knowledge, Time control and her/his Personal Professional Appearance in the clinic affect the clinical marks.

• Zero (0) mark is given to the student who fails to finish the clinical work during the allotted clinical time per session. If the student got another Zero (0) on another case for the same reason, the case will be canceled. However the student must continue the treatment of the case.

• Any clinical procedure that is performed by the student should be recorded in the patient's file. The student should also write clearly her/his name, university number and signature. This should be followed by the signature of the faculty instructor supervising the student at the end of each clinical session.

• It is Student responsibility to prepare the clinic before starting the treatment on the patients, radiographs, treatment plan, saline and sharp instrument should be available in the clinic.

• Attendance of students in both lectures and clinic is mandatory. Student absence at any clinical session is absolutely not acceptable. Being 5 minutes late to the lecture or 15 minutes late to the clinical session is considered as absence. This will affect the student's evaluation. However, absence due to emergency and sickness may be accepted when providing a medical report to the course director.
According to the university rules and regulations When 25% of the lecture or the clinical sessions are missed, the student will be deprived from taking the final exam.

• Coordination with the Booking Area to book patients and confirming appointment to the patients are the RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STUDENTS.


1. CARRANZA’s Glickman’s Clinical Periodontology 10th Edition
Edited by: Newman, Takei and Carranza 2007
2. Color atlas of dental medicine-periodontology
Ed: Klaus H. & Edith M.Rateitschak
Herbert F. wolf and Thomas M. Hassell, 2nd edition (Thieme)
3. Periodontal Division Clinical Manual

Periodontal, examination and evaluation forms:
All the forms required by the course, the lectures and the clinical manual would be available on the web site address



The first step in the Evidence Based Decision Making process is _______________.
a. finding the best evidence
b. applying the results to patient care
c. asking a good clinical question
d. evaluating the results
e. critically appraising the evidence

course attachements