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Nada Alhirabi



كلية الدراسات التطبيقية وخدمة المجتمع
عليشة, مبنى ٢٦ مكتب ٣ الدور الارضي

1305:إدارة شبكات الإتصالات

1305 تقن ( إدارة شبكات الإتصالات )

عضو هيئة التدريس المكتب البريد الإلكتروني/ الموقع
ندى الحرابي
الدور الأول مبنى 26
معمل 3
البريد الإلكتروني:

شعبة 842

Course Description
Students are introduced to: General framework of communication networks management; Communication networks management functions and the international regulations and standards; Principles of communication network management; Maintenance services, performance levels, and support centers; Subscribers and devices management; Customers complains office; Reporting management; and Integrative senior management through available resources.
Grade Distribution

Project 10
Quizzes 10
Mid1 20
Mid 2 20
Final Examination 40


Quiz 1 W5: Thursday   19 Oct   - 29\1\1439H
Mid1 W6: Thursday: 26 Oct  – 6/2/1439H
Quiz 2 W11: Thursday:  30 Nov      – 12/3/1439H
Mid2 W12: Thursday:  7 Dec    – 19/3/1439H


Course Materials:

  • Class notes : 
  • Network Management: Principles and Practice, by Mani Subramanian. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000.
  • Network Management Fundamentals, by Alexander Clemm, Cisco press, 2006.
  • Principles of Computer Systems and Network Management, by Dinesh Chandra Verma, Springer, 2009
course attachements