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Nasser Abdulrahman Aldaghri | ناصر بن عبدالرحمن الداغري

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كلية الهندسة
College of Engineering - Department of Electrical Engineering - 2C32

EE208: Logic Design

EE 208 Logic Design

Number systems; Boolean algebra and logic gates; Simplification of Boolean functions; Combinational logic circuits design and analysis; MSI and PLD components; Introduction to synchronous sequential logic; Flip flops; Analysis of clocked sequential circuits; State reduction and assignment; Design of synchronous sequential circuits and PLA’s.


Textbook: Digital Design (6th edition) by M. Morris Mano.

Pre-requisite: -.



Chapter 1: Digital Systems and Binary Numbers.
Chapter 2: Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates.
Chapter 3: Gate-Level Minimization.
Chapter 4: Combinational Logic Circuits.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Sequential Logic.
Chapter 6: Registers and Counters..
Chapter 7: Memory and Programmable Logic..

Grading Policy:

The grading is as shown below:
20 marks: Quizzes.
10 marks: Tutorial.
30 marks: Midterm.
40 marks: Final.


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