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نائل محمود أبوطه

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم
كلية العلوم-كرسي أبحاث المنتجات الحيوية رقم المعمل AB77



الجدول والساعات المكتبية

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Cancer is reported to be the leading cause of death and illness worldwide. This research aims to evaluate the phytochemicals,

by Ahmed I. Alsayadi1 · Nael Abutaha1 · Bader O. Almutairi1 · Fahd A. Al‑Mekhlaf1 · Mohamed A. Wadaan1
Published in:
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
by Yahia Nasser Mabkhot , Abha ( SA ) ; Jamal Mohammed Ali Khaled , Riyadh ( SA ) ; Naiyf Sultan Helial Alaloi Alharbi , Riyadh ( SA ) ; Fahd Ali Nasr Mohammed , Riyadh ( SA ) ; Fahd Abdo Almekhlafi , Riyadh ( SA ) ; Nael Mahmmoud Abutaha , Riyadh ( SA ) ; S

The essential oil of Ducrosia ismaelis Asch. (Apiaceae) that grows wild in Saudi Arabia was investigated utilizing gas chromatography (GC), and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Fifty…

by Ramzi A. Mothana, Fahd A. Nasr, Jamal M. Khaled, Omar M. Noman, Nael Abutaha, Adnan J. Al-Rehaily, Omar M. Almarfadi and Mine Kurkcuoglu
Published in:
open chemistry

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Different Kinds of tissue: EPithelium, Connective, muscular, Nervous and Vascular دراسة أنواع مختلفة من الأنسجة مثل الانسجة الطلائية والنسيج الضام والنسيج العصبى والوعائي


دراسة بيولوجية عامة للخلية ومكوناتها ووظائفها، ودراسة جزيئية للأحماض النووية والوراثة Studying General Cell Biology and its structure and function, and molecular study of nucleic acids and basics…


Study of structure of animal cell. Tissues, General characters of animal Kingdom. Classification of animal Kingdom. Study of Protozoa with selected examples. General characters and classification…