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Nora Abdullah Alkhudair

Associate Professor

Clinical Pharmacy department

كلية الصيدلة
Girls Campus, Building 8, 3rd floor, office #96

312 PHCL

Pharmacy Information System



This course provides an introduction to the resources pharmacists are exposed to, in their different formats. It highlights the modern age utilization of technology. of the This course provides hands on experience in literature retrieval and analysis from electronic as well as book based resources. The course also offers opportunities for practicing dissemination of drug and poison information.



Required textbook is available in university bookstore. If not, photocopy of selected chapters will be made available.

• Malone PM et al. Drug information: a guide for pharmacists. 3rd ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008. ( )

• In addition to lecture handouts, or supplemental chapters provided by lecturer Lab resources if any will be determined in conjunction with lab facilitator.

Helpful Resources:

PubMed Tutorial website:

o IDIS tutorial website:

o FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research: index.html


Attendance : Attendance of the lectures and lab time is mandatory. Any graded activity that occurs during a lecture will NOT be repeated. Catching up with missed materials or references is the sole responsibility of the student. Punctuality is expected. Instructor has the right to deny latecomers from entrance to the lecture or lab.


As per university policy, students missing 25% or more of attendance are

forbidden from sitting for the final exam. Students have the right to present for

validity of absence, these should have multiple copies and presented to the

concerned departments.

The Techniques of teaching employed for this course and accompanying lab are

varied, including:

- Didactic Lectures

- Lectures with discussion opportunities

- Assignments

- “2 minute teaching” Role playing

- Drug information requests