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غادة السيد محمد السيد


محاضر ( متعاونة )

كلية علوم الرياضة والنشاط البدني
G 313

introduction/brief CV

غادة السيد محمد .ماجستير الإدارة الرياضية
كلية علوم الرياضة والنشاط البدني شطر البنات جامعة الملم سعود

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by Dr.. Magdy Ahmed Shendy - Dr. Tharwat Muhammad Abu Al-Sabbah, Obstacles to administrative organization in private fitness centers in Riyadh, Sports marketing methods in sports clubs in the light of some contemporary marketing trends, Evaluating the effectiveness of the administrative organization of sports clubs in Gharbia Governorate, Time management at the sports activities specialist at Tanta University, The sports market and its implications for the sports industry, .The effectiveness of administrative leadership in achieving total quality within sports institutions, Total quality management as an entry point to achieve the goals of sports institutions, Obstacles to applying the principles of total quality management in sports institutions, Comprehensive quality standards in fitness and health centers in sports clubs, The role of sports media in good citizenship, An analytical study of the obstacles to marketing activity in the sports field, The calendar in physical education is the reference of the criterion and the reference of the standard, An analytical study of the obstacles of the organizational climate for fencing coaches, Predicting the level of achievement for fencing players using expert computer systems, The relationship between some physical measurements and accuracy among fencing players, Morphological symmetry of the three-armed fencing players, Differences in body measurements among the fencers of the national and junior teams, The relationship between some physical and physiological requirements and special motor abilities affecting the level of performance of fencing players, Public Relations in Sports and Recreation - a book under publication
by د. مجدى احمد شندى ــــــــــــ د. ثروت محمد ابو السبح

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- This course aims to provide the student with the foundations and principles of management and their applications, in accordance with its recent trends in the field of management…


يتناول هذا المقرر مقدمة حول تأثير العلاقات العامة في الرياضة والترويح. كما يتناول أيضا التعريف بالمفاهيم والمصطلحات المرتبطة بالعلاقات العامة في الإدارة الرياضية والترويح. كما يركز علي كيفية…


The sport and recreation course in contemporary society is one of the general preparation courses that deals mainly with the social approach to the study of sport and recreation, as well as…