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د. محمد بن سعيد القحطاني

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس بقسم الصيدلانيات

كلية الصيدلة

Pharmaceutics-1) PHT 221)

This course focuses on the preparation of fluid pharmaceutical dosage forms. It has been

designed to help pharmacy student to understand the concepts of liquid dosage forms,

types of these dosages (solutions and colloidal and course dispersions), methods of

preparations, rationale of clinical uses, applications, advantages and drawbacks. Shelf

life and factors affecting drug stability. The following main subjects are going to be

covered: pharmaceutical solutions, pharmaceutical suspensions, pharmaceutical

emulsions, colloidal systems, liposomal and nanoparticles preparations and aerosols.

Drug stability and shelf life.

course attachements