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Mohammed Abdullah Assiri محمد بن عبدالله عسيري

Assistant Professor

أستاذ مساعد

كلية الصيدلة
School of Pharmacy-Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

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by Hadi Ali, Mohammed A Assiri, Colin T Shearn, Kristofer S Fritz
by Colin T Shearn, Blair Fennimore, David J Orlicky, Yue R Gao, Laura M Saba, Kayla D Battista, Stefanos Aivazidis, Mohammed Assiri, Peter S Harris, Cole Michel, Gary F Merrill, Edward E Schmidt, Sean P Colgan, Dennis R Petersen
by Mohammed A Assiri, Hadi R Ali, John O Marentette, Youngho Yun, Juan Liu, Matthew D Hirschey, Laura M Saba, Peter S Harris, Kristofer S Fritz

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This course is designed to help students become more confident and skilled in navigating scientific literature. It encourages them to search for relevant research, evaluate scientific papers…


This course focus on the systematic scientific characterization of potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposures to hazardous agents. Topics include: principles of risk analysis…


The course is concerned with the study of the chemistry and biological importance of proteins, nucleic acids and porphyrins. Emphasis is on the study of enzyme kinetics, properties and on…

office hours

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
from _ _ _ 09:00 AM _ _ _
to _ _ _ 11:00 AM _ _ _
location _ _ _ 1A 204 1A 204 _ _ _