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د.محمد بن إبراهيم السيف

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس - قسم الأنسجة المحيطة بالأسنان وطب أسنان المجتمع

كلية طب الأسنان
College of Dentistry, First floor, Office number 20
course material

نموذج أسئلة اختبار

  1. What is your role as dental public health practicioiner? And what are the differences between personal and public professionals?

  2. What is the difference between the demand and need?

    1. Need by expert or professional and demand by general public

  3. When we will have underutilization and overutilization?

    1. Over D>N and under N>D

  4. What is the difference between goals and objectives ?

  5. What are the steps of planning dental public health program?

    1. Identify problems

    2. Determine properties

    3. Develop program objectives and activities

    4. Identify available resources and alternative strategies

    5. Implementing, monitoring and modification

  6. What do we mean by peer review in journals and scientific litreature?

  7. What are the elements of scientific paper? Construction of the paper? List?

  8. What you gona include in your abstract?

  9. What is the difference between incidence and prevalence? When we are measuring dental caries, do we use incidence or prevalence? Diseases with long duration will affect incidence or prevalence?

  10. What is the difference between sensitivity and specificity?

  11. What is the difference between validity and reliablity ?

  12. What do we mean by targeting in diseases prevention?

  13. What are the demographic factors that have an affect on periodontal diseases? Talk about age factor? Who has more periodontal diseases, men or women?

  14. If we are conducting an empdimiologicl study about periodontal diseases, Which index we will use? For periodontal index, do we have to mesure the whole mouth? *Ramjford teeth? Do you know them? 641