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Muhammad Farzik Ijaz

Associate Professor


كلية الهندسة
Building 3, Room 2C 46, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Saud University

Introduction to Engineering Design

Engineering design is the creative process of identifying needs and then devising a solution to fill those needs. This solution may be a product, a technique, a structure, a project, a method, or many other things depending on the problem.  An important phase of a conceptual design should be the starting point of any design activity.


This course exposes students to the fundamental elements of good engineering design and to the creative problem-solving methods practiced by engineers.


The major focus of the course is learning how to take an idea through a design process that will eventually be manufactured or produced.

The course covers the following:

1.   The Role of an Engineer

2.   Problem-solving skills

3.   The Design Process

4.   Product Design

5.   Designing as an Engineer

6.   Professionalism and ethics


course attachements