course material
نماذج من الاختبارات والاجابات
Here are the first two points of Qassim soil sample dataset:
Coordinates Rock Cd Cu Pb Co Cr Ni Zn
1 (2.386, 3.077) Sand stone 1.740 25.72 77.36 9.32 38.32 21.32 92.56
2 (2.544, 1.972) Sandstone 1.335 24.76 77.88 10.00 40.20 29.72 73.56
1. The distance between the points;
2. The difference between the Pb values;
3. The semivariance between the Pb values;
1. √(2. 386 − 2.544) 2 + (3. 077 − 1.972) 2 = 1.1162 km
2. 77. 36 − 77. 88 = −0.52 mg kg-1
3. 0. 5 · (77. 36 − 77.88) 2 = 0. 1352 (mg kg-1)2