اللَّهُمَّ لك الحمد كثيراً حتى ترضى والحمد لله الذي تتم بنعمته الصالحات.صدور الطبعة الأولي من…
introduction/brief CV
Sports psychology is considered one of the leading human sciences, as it combines theory and application by presenting contemporary and integrated scientific theories and emphasizing the role and contribution of sports psychology in terms of employing theory in the applied sports field in order to fit with the level of accumulation of scientific knowledge in applied sports psychology from On the one hand, and urgent response to provide topics and solutions to scientific issues and problems related to sports and physical activity at all levels and fields related to the sports individual, through which students, specialists in the fields of sports training and researchers in sports psychology, and the ability to benefit from the application in the competitive sports field. Sports psychology has become a qualitative addition to the psychological heritage in the human and sports field in the Arab world in general and the sports field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular, where Saudi sports are witnessing a renaissance and a comprehensive sports movement aimed at modernizing and developing Saudi sports in form and content. By combining all sincere efforts to reach a national goal, which is the leadership of Saudi sports at the regional and global levels. It was incumbent upon workers and researchers in the sports field to contribute to the advancement of Saudi sports, especially the scientific sports movement, where sports have become a science and an art, which needs sports sciences that are characterized by scientific and applied sobriety.
التعرف على الأسس العصبية لتعلم المهارات الحركية المختلفة ودراسة العوامل المؤثرة في اكتساب المهارة وتطويرها، ويهتم المقرر بشكل خاص بتحليل عمل آليات التعلم…
يهدف هذا المقرر إلى:
- إعطاء الطالب الفرصة لتحمل المسؤولية والمبادرة في توجيه وإدارة مشروع مرتبط بالعمل في مؤسسة مهنية
- تشجيع الطالب على استخدام مهارات البحث العلمي خلال فترة التدريب…
- يهدف المقرر إلي ما يلي :
- أن يكون لدي الطالب القدرة علي تنمية عناصر اللياقةالبدنية من خلال الإعداد البدني العام والخاص للعبة المستهدفة.
- يطبق الطالب خطوات…