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د. محمد بن يحيى فقيهي

Associate Professor

رئيس وحدة الابتكار الاجتماعي

كلية علوم الرياضة والنشاط البدني

(500 BMB) Research Methods in Sports Science and Physical Activity

After studying this course, the student will be able to:
* To familiarize the student with the types of sciences and the location of scientific research in sports sciences and physical activity in relation to these sciences.
* To get acquainted with the student to research in scientific research.
* That the student be polite to the student
* To familiarize the student with the methods of calculation and scientific transactions (honesty, stability, objectivity and standards) of the various study tools.
* That the student knows how to use the information network in determining previous studies of a particular topic.
* The student should prepare a scientific research plan according to a sound methodology.

course attachements