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Mona S Alwahaibi منى بنت سليمان الوهيبي


Faculty member

كلية العلوم
Building 5 Third Floor Office 299

BOT 591 Specialized topics


(Course code: BOT 591                    Number of units: 2 (2+0
Course Description:  Selected advanced topics in botany which aims to give students an opportunity to study the subject in depth or more and which focuses on the latest modern developments.
موضوعات مختار متقدمة في علم النبات يهدف منها إعطاء الطالب فرصة للدراسة المتعمقة في موضوع أو اكثر ويركز فيها على أخر التطورات الحديث
Student Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to:


  1. Students will acquire a sufficiently in-depth understanding of an active area of current botanic  researchs  and/or a set of research methods to enable them to conduct independent research in this area.
  2. Students will acquire familiarity with a combination of current and classic readings in a particular topic area. .
  3. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how botanics data bear on theoretical issues in botanics.
  4. Students will have the opportunity to present ideas to a peer audience, and provide feedback to their peers.
  5. Students will be able to understand and summarize primary research articles