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Mansour Altuwaijri منصور عبدالرحمن التويجري

Assistant Professor

Consultant Gastroenterologist, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine

كلية الطب
College of Medicine

Med 441

Internal Medicine Practice

Study year: fifth year students.

Course description:  teaching sub-inters practically in daily rounds demonstration approach to different medical problems, history, physical examination and laboratory tests.  Systems involved: CTU, cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, nephrology, endocrinology, rheumatology, and hematology.

Duration: The course is over 12 weeks.

Credits: 11

Suggested reference: 

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine

Examination Medicine: A Guide to Physician Training, 6ed

(Nicholas J. Talley, Simon O’Connor).

course attachements