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د. محمد بن عبدالحميد العُمري

Assistant Professor

رئيس قسم القانون العام (سابقاً) - القانون الإداري و الدستوري - Chairman of Public Law Department

كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية
جامعة الملك سعود - كلية الحقوق - مبنى 14 - الدور الثاني - مكتب رقم 221أ

LAW 232 Administrative Law (3 credit-hours)

The course explains the legal relationship between the individuals or the private sector and the administration. It also considers the legal roles and responsibilities of public institutions in providing public services. Centralization  and decentralization, and public finance issues will also be covered. The course also discusses the means of solving disputes between individuals/private sector entities and the administration.

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