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ا. د. مبارك بن هادي القحطاني Prof. Mubarak H. Alkhatnai


Dean of Quality and Development - Deanship of Quality and Development عميد عمادة التطوير والجودة

اللغات وعلومها
2113 College of Languages and Translation

Computer Applications to Translation - TRAJ 361

This course aims at raising awareness of the importance of computer applications to translation, providing students with knowledge about using computer in translation, providing them with information on computer software and tools which aid in translation process, enabling them to establish terms banks using Termex, MultiTerm, LogiTerm, etc. programs, acquainting them with the major computer tools used in this field including globalsight, gtranslator, localize, and omega T, for instance and introduce them to e-dictionaries. 

course attachements