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Mohammad Hasan M. Aljawadi محمد حسن مصطفى الجوادي

Assistant Professor

Vice Dean of Development and Quality وكيل كلية الصيدلة للتطوير و الجودة

كلية الصيدلة
كلية الصيدلة مبنى 23 الدور الاول

PHCL 570 (مشروع بحث)

The purpose of this class is to introduce students to the scientific process. The course will cover the concepts of scientific inquiry and help to develop the skills needed to design and conduct high quality research. Students will be taught how to apply the scientific process to answering important questions in pharmacy sciences, from identifying a problem to presenting and interpreting study results. Using a series of intermittent lectures, readings, exercises, and individual projects, students will be introduced to the major concepts and issues of designing and carrying out a research study.

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