نماذج اختبارات
An increased percentage of haemoglobin A2 is expected in
(a) a thalassaemia trait
(b) b thalassaemia trait
(c) db thalassaemia trait
(d) gdb thalassaemia trait
(e) silent b thalassaemia triat
Moderate to marked microcytosis is usually a feature of
(a) haemoglobin H disease
(b) a0 thalassaemia trait(c) b thalassaemia trait
(d) heterozygosity for hereditary persistence
of fetal haemoglobin
(e) haemoglobin Lepore trait
Suitable methods for quantifying haemoglobin A2 for the diagnosis of thalassaemia trait include
(a) inspection of an electrophoretic strip
(b) microcolumn chromatography
(c) cellulose acetate electrophoresis followed by densitometric scanning
(d) high performance liquid chromatography
(e) cellulose acetate electrophoresis followed by elution and spectrophotometry
:Haemoglobin Bart’s hydrops fetalis
(a) is expected in about 50% of fetuses if both parents have a0 thalassaemia
(b) is a likely outcome in West Africans if both parents have a thalassaemia trait
(c) is associated with an increased incidence of pregnancy-associated hypertension
(d) can cause developmental abnormalities in limbs
(e) is associated with good oxygen delivery to tissues
:Adecreased percentage of haemoglobin A2 may be a feature of
(a) a thalassaemia trait
(b) b thalassaemia trait
(c) haemoglobin Lepore trait
(d) iron deficiency anaemia
(e) db thalassaemia trait
: a thalassaemia
(a) is common in Afro-Caribbeans
(b) in its homozygous form, leads to haemoglobin H disease
(c) is most often caused by deletion of both a genes on a single chromosome
(d) cannot usually be suspected from the red cell indices
(e) can be diagnosed by haemoglobin Electrophoresis db thalassaemia
B thalassaemia:
(a) leads to an increased percentage of haemoglobin F
(b) leads to an increased percentage of haemoglobin A2
(c) usually results from deletion of the d and b genes
(d) when homozygous, may lead to the phenotype of thalassaemia intermedia
(e) may be simulated by the coinheritance of d and b thalassaemia
:Haemoglobin Bart’s hydrops fetalis
(a) usually results from homozygosity for a+ thalassaemia
(b) is mainly seen in those of Chinese or South- East Asian origin
(c) is characterized by worse tissue hypoxia than would be predicted from the haemoglobin concentration
(d) is characterized by low serum albumin and generalized oedema
(e) occurs occasionally in Greeks and Cypriots