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مهرة عبدالعزيز محمد آل الشيخ


Clinical Laboratory Sciences

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
Girls' campus, building 11, Floor 3, Office 117

CLS 441

Department              :           Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Course Number      :           CLS 441
Course Title             :           Immunohaematology
Credit Hours            :           2 + 2 = 4
Course Description:
The subject develops skills and knowledge required for proficiency in the safe supply of human blood products. A review of antibody antigen interaction will lead into the practical application of antibody screening, identification and compatibility testing. Quality assurance and safety of the blood supply will be recovered. Case study presentation will lead the student through problem solving incompatible reactions, situations they will likely encounter in a working laboratory. Advanced techniques and current developments in stem cell transplant and cord blood banking will also be discussed,
CLS 441:   Lectures Outline
Weeks                                               Subjects 
1.                                 Introduction to Immunohaematology
2.                                 ABO Blood Group System
3.                                 The Rh Blood Group System
4.                                 Other Blood Group System
5.                                 Antihuman Globulin (Coombs’) Test
6.                                 Detection and Identification of Antibodies
7.                                 Cross Matching (Compatibility Testing)
8.                                 Transfusion Reactions and Complications
9.                                 Screening for Diseases Transmitted through Blood
10.                               The Blood Donor and Collection of Blood
11.                               Storage and Preservation of Blood and Components
12.                               Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN)
13.                               Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia (AIHA)
14.                               Blood Components
15.                               Transfusion Therapy