Course Title (Symbol and No. ):
432 OPH Ophthalmology
Credit Hours: 4 (1+3)
Contact Clock Hours: Theoretical:
Tutorials & Practical:
Course Objectives
Course 432 is meant to introduce Medical Students to basic history taking and examination of the eye.
The common ophthalmic conditions will be taught, including the principles for management of these conditions. This material will be released to the Students through:
Clinic attendance
At the end of the course, the Medical Student should be able to recognize common ocular pathology, manage simple cases and know when to refer more serious problems.
Course Outline
(a) Theoretical
- Applied anatomy and physiology of the Eye
- Lid and lacrimal system problems
- Red Eye and Ocular emergencies
- Strabismus and amblyopia and leukocoria
- Eye andSystemic Diseases
- Neuro-ophthalmology
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Visual fields
- Errors of refraction
- Retinal glaucoma disorders
The Book Recommended
- Basic Ophthalmology for Medical Students and Primary Care Residents by Frank G. Berson, MD Referred references
- General Ophthalmology by Vaugh and Asbury and Tabbara.
Course Outline
(a) Lectures
Topic (lectures) | Time allowed | |
1. Applied Anatomy and Physiology + Lid and Lacrimal System Problems | 2 hours | |
2. Glaucoma Diagnosis and Management | 1 hour | |
3. Trachoma | 1 hour | |
4. Red Eye | 2 hours | |
5. Diseases of Retina and Choroid | 1 hour | |
6. Ocular Emergencies | 1 hour | |
7. Strabismus and Amblyopia | 1 hour | |
8. Errors of Refraction | 1 hour | |
9. Systemic Diseases | 2 hours | |
10. Eye Care in Children and Prevention of Blindness | 1 hour | |
11. Disorders of the Lens | 1 hour | |
12. Neuro-ophthalmology | 1 hour | |
(b) Clinical Skills
1. History taking, Ocular Examination and Tonometry | 3 hours |
2. Ophthalmoloscopy | 3 hours |
3. Ancillary Services | 3 hours |
(c) Topic (Tutorial)
1. Leukocoria | 2 hours |
2. Ocular Pharmacology, Drug Toxicity | 2 hours |
3. Ocular Emergencies | 2 hours |
4. Visual Fields and Elementry Optics | 2 hours |
5. Proptosis | 2 hours |