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ماجد بن عبدالرحمن بن حمد الماضي

Associate Professor

استاذ مشارك ، كلية الطب البشري

كلية الطب
Department of medicine, King Khalid University Hospital

MED 441


This course teaches final year medical students the skills required for internal medicine including the essential skills of taking a history as well as performing a complete physical examination.

It also engages the students into the differential diagnosis, the appropriate management plane of patients. This is all in the setting of a holistic approach to the patients and spiritual, mental, and physical needs.

Students are required to attend rounds on the wards as well as attend the clinics with staff

Students are also required to attend all the academic activities of the department





Course Title (Symbol and No.):   441 MED                              Internal Medicine Practice

Credit Hours                         :   11 (0 +11) 

Contact Clock  Hours             :   Theoretical

                                                   Clinical                                7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

                                                   Tutorials & Practicals


Summary of Course Contents

This Course is a part of a clinical rotation.  It is a full time clinical clerkship for 12 weeks (preparing for internship in Medicine).  Students shall attend bedside clinical sessions, clinical tutorials, work as sub-interns in the Department of Medicine, attend at the emergency room and assist in various diagnostic and other procedures in the wards.


Course Objectives 

1.  To ensure adequacy of width and depth of training, the Department would use, as required, the following modalities:

        a)         Rotation through two (2) hospitals during this period.  Each rotation is for       six (6) weeks.

        b)         A weekly tutorial on the management of the various medical emergencies.

        c)         Attendance at the emergency room and participation in management of         medical emergencies both at ER and they are admitted to the wards.     student rota or attendance will be drawn and the attendance of the student is signed by the Senior Registrar on call.

        d)         Tutorial/Discussions to cover medical emergencies and other topics     infrequently met in routine ward clinical practice;

        e)         Bedside teaching - two (2) afternoons per week.


2.     During the sub-intership, the student should contribute to emergency duty, with the rest of the team at least once per week, and attend O.P. Clinic per week, and attendance of the admission rounds regularly.


3.     To train students how to perform a clinical examination by practical demonstration of how to obtain  a medical history and perform a complete physical examination.


4.     To teach students how to synthesize the information obtained from history and physical examination to make logical conclusions with respect of making a diagnosis or a differential diagnosis.


5.     To teach students how to confirm diagnosis by selecting the most appropriate, safe and cost-effective investigations and make a treatment plan.


6.     To train students how to adapt their medical knowledge to the problems of the community and how to utilize the available resources for that purpose.


7.     On successful completion of this course, the student is expected to be ready to function as a competent intern.





8.     The above objectives are fulfilled observing the spirit of Islam and the ethical conduct of a Muslim doctor.   


Course Outline


          1.         Didactic bedside teaching

        2.         Clinical tutorials

        3.         Practical demonstration of diagnostic procedures


Tutorial topics given on this course to cover common medical emergencies are as follows:


        1.         Renal failure

        2.         Cardiovascular disease

          Cardiac arrest/arrythmias

          Hypertensive crisis

        3.         General (lab results interpretation)

        4.         General Radiology

        5.         Inflammatory polyarthritis

        6.         Ischaemic heart disease

        7.         Hematology/Oncology emergencies

        8.         Neurological emergencies

        9.         Myasthenia crisis

        10.       Status epilepticus

        11.       Endocrine emergencies

        12.       Diabetic keto acidosis

        13.       Thyroid emergencies

        14.       Adrenal crisis

        15.       Comatose patient (clinical approach)

        16.       Gastrointestinal emergencies

        17.       Acute G.I. Bleeding

        18.       Acute hepatocellular failure

        19.       Respiratory emergencies

        20.       Respiratory failure

        21.       Acute obstructive (airway disease)



One (1) Continuous Assessment Examination (Clinical and Written) 40%.  A final clinical, written and oral examination which carries 60% of the marks.


Recommended References

A.      Textbooks of Medicine

          Any one of the following excellent books:

        1.         Clinical Medicine - A textbook for Medical students and doctors.  P. J. Kumar                      and M. L. Clark “latest edition”.

        2.         Textbook of Medicine - By Souhami andMoxham, latest edition

        3.         Davidson’s Principles and Principles of Medicines - C. R. Edward and                                  Ian, A.D. Bonchir, latest edition


B.      Physical Examination

        Any one of the following books:

        1.         A guide to physical examination and history taking by Barbara Bates,   latest edition.

        2.         Macleod’s Clinical Examination by John Munro and C. Edwards

        3.         Clinical Examination - 2nd Edition by Nicolas Talley and Simon O’Connor

course attachements