There is a growing interest among health care professional institutes (including Colleges of Medicine) to include professionalism (& ethics component) in their core curriculum.
The ethical demands upon medical profession have been greatly increased due to changes in the traditional modes of health care delivery, increased complexity in the methods of reimbursement, and developing national trends toward managed care.
Goals & Objectives of Professionalism course:
1- To inspire the students to grasp the professionalism concept.
To define the core elements of profession and professionalism.
To recognize the evolution of medical professionalism over the history.
To deepen the understanding of the religious and moral dimensions of the practice of medicine.
2- To motivate the students into acquiring and understanding the values and attributes related to professionalism.
To incorporate the values and attributes of professionalism into the medical students’ perspective.
To respect the role of professional medical student and health professionals in health promotion and community development.
To weigh the cost of being unprofessional and the legal aspects inherent to the medical profession.
3- To guide the students into acting and behaving along the guidelines of professionalism.
To promote professional & ethical behavior that addresses the interests of patients and society first, likewise serving the interests of the professional.
To recognize, critically analyze, and resolve the professionalism issues that may arise in their practice of health care.
To demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to others’ culture, age, sex and disabilities.
4- To refine the different skills and reach the highest standards of professionalism.
To understand psychological aspects related to human nature including personalities, illness behavior, stress management & learning patterns
To develop and refine the Interpersonal relationships.
To develop decision-making skills that will contribute to students' ethical behavior.