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Khursheed Aurangzeb

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Floor 2, Building 31

Embedded Systems Design

CEN318-Embedded Systems Design

B.Sc. in Computer Engineering

Prerequisites or co-requisites: CENX 316 (prerequisite).

Credits and contact hours:  4 (3, 1, 2): Three hours lecture and one hour tutorial per week

Instructor’s name: Dr. Khursheed Aurangzeb

Instructor’s email ID:

Text book:

Robert B. Reese, J. W. Bruce, and Bryan A. Jones, ‘Microcontrollers: From Assembly Language to C Using the PIC24 Family’, 2008

Supplemental materials:

Wayne Wolf, ‘Computers as Components, principles of embedded computing  system design’, 2008

Course description:

This course introduces embedded system design concepts. Students will investigate the architecture of a selected microcontroller family and learn how to configure and program its core and peripherals. The course includes a lab component to help students get hands-on experience with the theoretical concepts they take in the course.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

This course requires the student to demonstrate the following

Describe power saving approaches used in embedded system design and their corresponding tradeoffs such as sleep/idle modes and clock frequency management.

Design the processor interface with I/O devices including memory mapped addressing and buffering.

Develop low-level programs that use I/O peripherals such analog-to-digital converters, timers and serial interface.

Design and implement I/O control and data transfer using interrupts.

Use an integrated development environment (IDE) to write, compile and debug a program (high level or assembly) for a target embedded system.

Marks distribution:

Quizzes and Home Works: 10%

Two midterm exams: 30%

labs: 20

Final exam: 40%

Midterm exam dates:

First midterm exam: Week 8.

Second midterm exam: Week 12.

course attachements