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Khursheed Aurangzeb

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Floor 2, Building 31

Introduction to VLSI Design

CEN415-Introduction to VLSI Design 

Core course for program B.Sc. in Computer Engineering

Prerequisites or co-requisites:

CENX 212, Digital Logic Design and EE 310, Basic Electronics Credits and contact hours: 3 (3, 0, 1): Three hours lecture and one hour tutorial per week

Instructor’s name: Dr. Khursheed Aurangzeb

Instructor’s email ID:

Text book:

CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits and Systems Perspective, Neil Weste and David Harris, (4th Edition), Addison Wesley.

Course description:

Large-scale MOS design: MOS transistors, static and dynamic MOS gates, stick diagrams, MOS circuit fabrication, design rules, power and delay estimates, scaling, MOS combinational and sequential logic design, register and clocking schemes, memory, data-path, and control unit design. Elements of computer-aided circuit analysis and layout techniques.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

This course requires the student to demonstrate the following

a) Describe how to build logic gates and data path components (memories, adders, multipliers…etc) in CMOS using multiple circuit styles.

b) Explain how VLSI chips are designed, tested and manufactured in lights of the effects of scaling and packaging on circuits.

c) Optimize circuits using delay models and logical effort.

d) Apply the concepts of timing; clocking, timing constraints, clock skew, jitter, and propagation delays.

e) Describe and analyse power consumption components in VLSI circuits.

f) Design a complex system using CAD-Tools for circuit analysis and layout.

Marks distribution:

Quizzes and Home Works: 10% Two midterm exams: 30% Project: 30% Final exam: 40%

Midterm exam dates: First midterm exam: Week 8. Second midterm exam: Week 12.

course attachements