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Khalid Ibrahim Aljonaieh, MD, MS



كلية الطب
New ICU building, 2nd floor, Anesthesia Department
course material




  • Total Body Water (TBW)
  • Varies with age, gender
  • 55% body weight in males
  • 45% body weight in females
  • 80% body weight in infants
  • Less in obese: fat contains little water
  • Body Water Compartments
  • Intracellular water: 2/3 of TBW
  • Extracellular water: 1/3 TBW
    -  Extravascular water: 3/4 of extracellular water
    -  Intravascular water: 1/4 of extracellular water
  • Fluid and Electrolyte Regulation
  • Volume Regulation
    • Antidiuretic Hormone
    • Renin/angiotensin/aldosterone system
    • Baroreceptors in carotid arteries and aorta
    • Stretch receptors in atrium and juxtaglomerular aparatus
    • Cortisol
  • Fluid and Electrolyte Regulation
  • Plasma Osmolality Regulation
    • Arginine-Vasopressin (ADH)
    • Central and Peripheral osmoreceptors
  • Sodium Concentration Regulation
    • Renin/angiotensin/aldosterone system
    • Macula Densa of JG apparatus
  • Preoperative Evaluation
    of Fluid Status
  • Factors to Assess:
    • h/o intake and output
    • blood pressure: supine and standing
    • heart rate
    • skin turgor
    • urinary output
    • serum electrolytes/osmolarity
    • mental status
  • Orthostatic Hypotension
  • Systolic blood pressure decrease of greater than 20mmHg from supine to standing
  • Indicates fluid deficit of 6-8% body weight
    -  Heart rate should increase as a compensatory measure
    -  If no increase in heart rate, may indicate autonomic dysfunction or antihypertensive drug therapy
  • Perioperative Fluid Requirements
    The following factors must be taken into account:
    1- Maintenance fluid requirements
    2- NPO and other deficits: NG suction, bowel prep
    3- Third space losses
    4- Replacement of blood loss
    5- Special additional losses: diarrhea
  • 1- Maintenance Fluid Requirements
    • Insensible losses such as evaporation of water from respiratory tract, sweat, feces, urinary excretion.  Occurs continually.
    • Adults: approximately 1.5 ml/kg/hr
    • “4-2-1 Rule”
      -  4 ml/kg/hr for the first 10 kg of body weight
      -  2 ml/kg/hr for the second 10 kg body weight
      -  1 ml/kg/hr subsequent kg body weight
      -  Extra fluid for fever, tracheotomy, denuded surfaces
  • 2- NPO and other deficits
  • NPO deficit = number of hours NPO x maintenance fluid requirement.
  • Bowel prep may result in up to 1 L fluid loss.
  • Measurable fluid losses, e.g. NG suctioning, vomiting, ostomy output, biliary fistula and tube.
  • 3- Third Space Losses
  • Isotonic transfer of ECF from functional body fluid compartments to non-functional compartments.
  • Depends on location and duration of surgical procedure, amount of tissue trauma, ambient temperature, room ventilation.
  • Replacing Third Space Losses
  • Superficial surgical trauma: 1-2 ml/kg/hr
  • Minimal Surgical Trauma: 3-4 ml/kg/hr
    -  head and neck, hernia, knee surgery
  • Moderate Surgical Trauma: 5-6 ml/kg/hr
    -  hysterectomy, chest surgery
  • Severe surgical trauma: 8-10 ml/kg/hr (or more)
    -  AAA repair, nehprectomy
  • 4- Blood Loss
  • Replace 3 cc of crystalloid solution per cc of blood loss (crystalloid solutions leave the intravascular space)
  • When using blood products or colloids replace blood loss volume per volume
  • 5- Other additional losses
  • Ongoing fluid losses from other sites:
    -  gastric drainage
    -  ostomy output
    -  diarrhea
  • Replace volume per volume with crystalloid solutions
  • Example
  • 62 y/o male, 80 kg, for hemicolectomy
  • NPO after 2200, surgery at0800, received bowel prep
  • 3 hr. procedure, 500 cc blood loss
  • What are his estimated intraoperative fluid requirements?
  • Example (cont.)
  • Fluid deficit (NPO): 1.5 ml/kg/hr x 10 hrs = 1200 ml + 1000 ml for bowel prep = 2200 ml total deficit: (Replace 1/2 first hr, 1/4 2nd hr, 1/4 3rd hour).
  • Maintenance:  1.5 ml/kg/hr x 3hrs = 360mls
  • Third Space Losses:  6 ml/kg/hr x 3 hrs =1440 mls
  • Blood Loss:  500ml x 3 = 1500ml
  • Total = 2200+360+1440+1500=5500mls
  • Intravenous Fluids:
  • Conventional Crystalloids
  • Colloids
  • Hypertonic Solutions
  • Blood/blood products and blood substitutes
  • Crystalloids
  • Combination of water and electrolytes
    -  Balanced salt solution: electrolyte composition and osmolality similar to plasma; example: lactated Ringer’s, Plasmlyte, Normosol.

    • Hypotonic salt solution: electrolyte composition lower than that of plasma; example: D5W.
    • Hypertonic salt solution: 2.7% NaCl.
  • Colloids
  • Fluids containing molecules sufficiently large enough to prevent transfer across capillary membranes.
  • Solutions stay in the space into which they are infused.
  • Examples: hetastarch (Hespan), albumin, dextran.
  • Hypertonic Solutions
  • Fluids containing sodium concentrations greater than normal saline.
  • Available in 1.8%, 2.7%,3%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% solutions.
  • Hyperosmolarity creates a gradient that draws water out of cells; therefore, cellular dehydration is a potential problem.
  • Composition
  • Clinical Evaluation of Fluid Replacement
    1. Urine Output: at least 1.0 ml/kg/hr
    2. Vital Signs:  BP and HR normal (How is the patient doing?)
    3. Physical Assessment:  Skin and mucous membranes no dry; no thirst in an awake patient
    4. Invasive monitoring;  CVP or PCWP may be used as a        guide
    5. Laboratory tests:  periodic monitoring of hemoglobin and hematocrit
  • Summary
  • Fluid therapy is critically important during the perioperative period.
  • The most important goal is to maintain hemodynamic stability and protect vital organs from hypoperfusion (heart, liver, brain, kidneys).
  • All sources of fluid losses must be accounted for.
  • Good fluid management goes a long way toward preventing problems.
  • Transfusion Therapy
    60% of transfusions occur perioperatively.
    -  responsibility of transfusing perioperatively is with the anesthesiologist.
  • When is Transfusion Necessary?
  • Transfusion Trigger”:Hgb level at which transfusion should be given.
    -  Varies with patients and procedures
  • Tolerance of acute anemia depends on:
    -  Maintenance of intravascular volume
    -  Ability to increase cardiac output
    -  Increases in 2,3-DPG to deliver more of the carried oxygen to tissues
  • Oxygen Delivery
  • Oxygen Delivery (DO2) is the oxygen that is delivered to the tissues
        DO2= COP x CaO2
  • Cardiac Output (CO) = HR x SV
  • Oxygen Content (CaO2):
    -  (Hgb x 1.39)O2 saturation + PaO2(0.003)
    -  Hgb is the main determinant of oxygen content in the blood
  • Oxygen Delivery (cont.)
  • Therefore: DO2 = HR x SV x CaO2
  • If HR or SV are unable to compensate, Hgb is the major deterimant factor in O2 delivery
  • Healthy patients have excellent compensatory mechanisms and can tolerate Hgb levels of 7 gm/dL.
  • Compromised patients may require Hgb levels above 10 gm/dL.
  • Blood Groups
                                              Antigen on         Plasma                                 Incidence
    Blood Group        erythrocyte     Antibodies         White   African-
    A                                        A                          Anti-B                 40%              27%
    B                                        B                          Anti-A                 11          20
    AB                       AB                       None                  4            4
    O                                       None                  Anti-A                 45          49
    Rh                                     Rh                                                   42          17
  • Cross Match
  • Major:
    Donor’s erythrocytes incubated with recipients plasma
  • Minor:
    -  Donor’s plasma incubated with recipients erythrocytes
  • Agglutination:
    -  Occurs if either is incompatible
  • Type Specific:
    -  Only ABO-Rh determined; chance of hemolytic reaction is 1:1000 with TS blood
  • Type and Screen
  • Donated blood that has been tested for ABO/Rh antigens and screened for common antibodies (not mixed with recipient blood).
    -  Used when usage of blood is unlikely, but needs to be available (hysterectomy).
    -  Allows blood to available for other patients.
    -  Chance of hemolytic reaction: 1:10,000.
  • Component Therapy
  • A unit of whole blood is divided into components; Allows prolonged storage and specific treatment of underlying problem with increased efficiency:
    • packed red blood cells (pRBC’s)
    • platelet concentrate
    • fresh frozen plasma (contains all clotting factors)
    • cryoprecipitate (contains factors VIII and fibrinogen; used in Von Willebrand’s disease)
    • albumin
    • plasma protein fraction
    • leukocyte poor blood
    • factor VIII
    • antibody concentrates
  • Packed Red Blood Cells
  • 1 unit = 250 ml.Hct. = 70-80%.
  • 1 unit pRBC’s raises Hgb 1 gm/dL.
  • Mixed with saline:LR has Calcium which may cause clotting if mixed with pRBC’s.
  • Platelet Concentrate
  • Treatment of thrombocytopenia
  • Intraoperatively used if platlet count drops below 50,000 cells-mm3 (lab analysis).
  • 1 unit of platelets increases platelet count 5000-10000 cells-mm3.
  • Risks:
    -  Sensitization due to HLA on platelets
    -  Viral transmission
  • Fresh Frozen Plasma
  • Plasma from whole blood frozen within 6 hours of collection.
    • Contains coagulation factors except platelets
    • Used for treatment of isolated factor deficiences, reversal of Coumadin effect, TTP, etc.
    • Used when PT and PTT are >1.5 normal
  • Risks:
    • Viral transmission
    • Allergy
  • Complications of Blood Therapy
  • Transfusion Reactions:
    Febrile; most common, usually controlled by slowing infusion and giving antipyretics
    Allergic; increased body temp., pruritis, urticaria.  Rx: antihistamine,discontinuation.  Examination of plasma and urine for free hemoglobin helps rule out hemolytic reactions.
  • Complications of Blood Therapy (cont.)
  •  Hemolytic:
    • Wrong blood type administered (oops).
    • Activation of complement system leads to intravascular hemolysis, spontaneous hemorrhage.
    • Signs: hypotension,fever, chills, dyspnea, skin flushing, substernal pain. Signs are easily masked by general anesthesia.
    • Free Hgb in plasma or urine
    • Acute renal failure
    • Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
  • Complications (cont.)
  • Transmission of Viral Diseases:
    • Hepatitis C; 1:30,000 per unit
    • Hepatitis B; 1:200,000 per unit
    • HIV;1:450,000-1:600,000 per unit
    • 22 day window for HIV infection and test detection
    • CMV may be the most common agent transmitted, but only effects immuno-compromised patients
    • Parasitic and bacterial transmission very low
  • Other Complications
    • Decreased 2,3-DPG with storage: ? Significance
    • Citrate: metabolism to bicarbonate; Calcium binding
    • Microaggregates (platelets, leukocytes): micropore filters controversial
    • Hypothermia: warmers used to prevent
    • Coagulation disorders: massive transfusion (>10 units) may lead to dilution of platelets and factor V and VIII.
    • DIC: uncontrolled activation of coagulation system
  • Treatment of Acute Hemolytic Reactions
  • Immediate discontinuation of blood products and send blood bags to lab.
  • Maintenance of urine output with crystalloid infusions
  • Administration of mannitol or Furosemide for diuretic effect
  • Autologous Blood
  • Pre-donation of patient’s own blood prior to elective surgery
  • 1 unit donated every 4 days (up to 3 units)
  • Last unit donated at least 72 hrs prior to surgery
  • Reduces chance of hemolytic reactions and transmission of blood-bourne diseases
  • Not desirable for compromised patients
  • Administering Blood Products
    • Consent necessary for elective transfusion
    • Unit is checked by 2 people for Unit #, patient ID, expiration date, physical appearance.
    • pRBC’s are mixed with saline solution (not LR)
    • Products are warmed mechanically and given slowly if condition permits
    • Close observation of patient for signs of complications
    • If complications suspected, infusion discontinued, blood bank notified, proper steps taken.
  • Alternatives to Blood Products
  • Autotransfusion
  • Blood substitutes
  • Autotransfusion
  • Commonly known as “Cell-saver”
  • Allows collection of blood during surgery for re-administration
  • RBC’s centrifuged from plasma
  • Effective when > 1000ml are collected
  • Blood Substitutes
    • Experimental oxygen-carrying solutions: developed to decrease dependence on human blood products
    • Military battlefield usage initial goal
    • Multiple approaches:
      • Outdated human Hgb reconstituted in solution
      • Genetically engineered/bovine Hgb in solution
      • Liposome-encapsulated Hgb
      • Perflurocarbons
  • Blood Substitutes (cont.)
  • Potential Advantages:
    • No cross-match requirements
    • Long-term shelf storage
    • No blood-bourne transmission
    • Rapid restoration of oxygen delivery in traumatized patients
    • Easy access to product (available on ambulances, field hospitals, hospital ships)
  • Blood Substitutes (cont.)
  • Potential Disadvantages:
    -  Undesirable hemodynamic effects:

    • Mean arterial pressure and pulmonary artery pressure increases
  • Short half-life in bloodstream (24 hrs)
  • Still in clinical trials, unproven efficacy
  • High cost
  • Transfusion Therapy Summary
  • Decision to transfuse involves many factors
  • Availability of component factors allows treatment of specific deficiency
  • Risks of transfusion must be understood and explained to patients
  • Vigilance necessary when transfusing any blood product